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That lying sack of shit

Well, that story I linked to the other day was actually a lie, an urban legend Blagg had passed off as his own experience. Well, it just confirms my earlier opinion of Blagg, who seemed like an ass for his attacks on Stephanie Klein (see here; I think SK deleted the meanest things he wrote in her comments section). Blagg writes:

Truth is, a friend told me that it happened to them the day I wrote it, and gave me permission to change it to the first person for dramatic effect when posting it here on my blog. I am truly sorry for the grievous pain and suffering this misleading post caused so many of you. I should have done an exhaustive background check on my friend, then comprehensive searches of the internet prior to recounting this amusing tale. [Eeesh — why not just tell the truth to your readers??] My credibility as a blogger, nay, as a human being has been irreparably compromised [you got that right] and I beg your eventual understanding and forgiveness.

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