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coptic cop-out

So there was a lot of blogospheric speculation that Muslim extremists may have been behind quadruple-murder of a Coptic Christian family of four in Jersey City last January. On Friday, authorities charged two men with the murder, including the upstairs tenant of the family. It seems like a rock-solid case against the pair, with video from A.T.M. surveillance tapes and what sounds like a confession from one of the men.

To their credit, Michelle Malkin and Powerlineblog admit that they were wrong (here, and here)

But so far silence from:

  • Evangelical Underground (“Where is the mainstream media’s coverage of this story? Do you think it would receive more coverage if it were Muslims killed by Christians”);
  • Power Pundit (“Islamist jihadists demonstrate once again that they have no tolerance for dissenting views, and that brutal violence is their preferred form of argument”) [UPDATE (3/7/05): Powerpundit corrects himself here];
  • Six Meat Buffet (“Some of the kindly missionaries from the Religion of Peace™ recently slaughtered an Trenton, NJ-based Egyptian man and his family for embracing Christianity and daring to go public with their beliefs… as usual, the Old Media isn’t about to call attention to the dark underbelly of their favorite religion. … God forbid we actually hear about the growing and very real islamofascist threat in our country.”)
  • QandO (“Everything I’ve read about the Muslim fanatics (and make no mistake, if this is a religious killing, it was done by fanatics) out there seems to indicate a preference for slitting the throats of ‘infidels'”);
  • The Kommentariat (“Coincidence? Sure, but only if you believe Israel and the USA set off test nukes that caused the tidal wave that wiped out Indonesia.”)

Dr. Rusty Shackleford has a very equivocal post, wondering if the police are “ignoring the facts” but then saying he’s “cautiously optimistic” prosecutors have their man. Huh? (He also still thinks the Giuliana Sgrena kidnapping was a hoax)

Don’t all these bloggers have a responsibility to admit they were wrong?

8 comments to coptic cop-out

  • Jeffrey -- New York

    Um … Derek, where do you find all these strange blogs? Six Meat Buffet? Quando? Are these household names? Maybe I’m not really a blogger after all. Hm.

    I agree with you nonetheless. If you’re wrong — *cough*Dan Rather — then you should certainly admit it.


  • Well, I acknowledge I hadn’t heard of most of these blogs either, the Jawa one being the notable exception. I found ’em yesterday. But bloggers tend to castigate the mainstream press for not admitting errors, so I thought it was fair to investigate how well bloggers did on that score.

    And Rather did admit his mistakes, even said “I’m sorry” on the air. Of course (as he’s pretty much admitted) he should have done so sooner. But better late than never.

  • nancy

    Well , even if this proves to be the heinous work of killers who were mitiviated by greed rather than religion. It still is small comfort to know that the core tenets of Islam is still holocaust for the indfidels.

    Abdul waKIm
    specialist in irrational adamic cults

  • nancy

    If indeed the armonious family were killed by local thugs and the crime was not religiously motivated , this still does not eliminate the very real possibility of religiously motivated murder in the US. With immigration out of control something is bound to happen soon….or have you all forgotten the europeans quandary? Also there had been several cases of honor killing of females among muslim immigrant groups , and these are not any less despicable as crime goes !

    Mariam Stravinovitch
    international studies

  • nancy

    Its actually QandO, not Quando. The link goes nowhere. The proper link is http://www.qando.net.

  • Oops. Fixed. Thanks!

    P.S. – As far as I could tell, QandO never did let their readers know authorities now believe this was a robbery, with no religious motive. Can you imagine if the mainstream media did that? We’d be cruficied!

  • Prasad Bhagavatam

    How can one blame the coptic christians from suspecting islamist hit men in the first place when they have suffered terribly for centuries at the hands of islamist hooligans and bullis of allah in their home country.

    It is common knowledge that there are probably lots of islamist thugs and fanatics out there in americana ( thank you homeland security and lax and insane US immigration policy, thank you leftists and apologists of this country that would let in the wolves to gobble us up eventually ,thank you and thank you so much) intermingled and hiding among their religious co-horts in this country, just abiding time to spring a deadly and surprise attack on us……silently abiding time to carry out the evil injunctions of their unholy manifesto – to make a wide slaughter among the infidels ….to terrorize, maim ,rape and murder the infidels…..to strike them at the neck, cut of their hands and feet …..ooooh all in the glory of Allah the most merciful, compassionate ( LOL ).


  • madam Kim Sook-Im

    One can hardly blame the coptic christians for fearing further persecutions by islamic fanatics in the US. The US immigration has been so lax over the last 30 yrs admitting all genres of fanatics and religious nuts from moslem countries that they are probably lurking all over the US , especially in big cities ….even now probably planning all sorts of devious activities and mischief.

    The problem with the islamic religion is that even the very moderate muslims would secretly or tacitly support the violent actions of their co-religionists. People who are familiar with islamic religion know that there is the concept of kitman and taquiyyah which allows for muslims to lie to their infidel friends and present a facade of innocence and even of condemnation of their violent co-religionist……..nevertheless there can never be 100 % assurance or certainty in the mind of kaffirs/infidels all over the world as to what exactly is in their muslim ‘friends’ heart.

    A particularly troubling aspect of their religion is that their holy book the Quran contains quite numerous injunctions directing muslims never ever to take for friends ‘infidels’ …they are allowed to associate with infidels only if it is to the advantage and advancement of islam, but they are at all times to keep vigilant of infidels and preferably to convert them ( first thro peaceful invitation, then if not by force and violence).

    Islamic revisionists are always pointing out all the peaceful quotes from the koran, but do not tell the infidels that these peaceful verses have all been abrogated once Mohammad thier prophet gained the upperhand over his enemies. After his victory, his message and attitude towards non believers were ones of belligerence and violence…..so much for a peaceful religion.

    Unless muslims world wide seriously engage in a major reformation of their creed and consider the koranic texts as metaphorical rather than literal…..the world is in for more violence, mayhem and bloodshed……not just for the copts but for the other 5 billion ‘infidels’ who happen to live on the same planet………..3rd rock from the sun – a minor star call Sol in the
    galaxy – Via Lactea !

    Concern earthling from Korea

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