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broken neck

Evan snowboarding

My little brother Evan has been spending the winter teaching snowboarding in Aspen and had a serious accident today.

Apparently on the last run of the last day of the season, there was a problem with the snowboard. He flipping twice in midair before landing on his head.

He broke his neck — cervical vertebra 7.

But he can move his fingers and toes, which I guess is the important thing because it indicates no spinal cord damage?

I spoke to him at the hospital, where he was actually having dinner in his room. He seemed alright, a little drugged up, but in good spirits. He said he was fine laying down, but it hurt to stand or sit up.

The doctors did a bunch of tests tonight and are planning an MRI tomorrow (Tuesday) which will indicate whether surgery is needed. Either way, I guess he’s looking at a long time in a cervical collar. (Thankfully, he has a girl there taking care of him).

It sounds like he’ll be okay… but if anyone has any experience with this type of injury, please share it.

UPDATE 4/5/05: Surgery is set for tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1 p.m.

Evan said that after looking at his MRI, his doctor told him he was lucky he wasn’t paralyzed – but prognosis is good for a fully recovery within a few months.

UPDATE 4/7/05: The surgery went well, I’m told Evan is in some pain and somewhat cranky, but it looks like everything is going to be okay.

381 comments to broken neck

  • nancy

    >He said he was fine laying down, but it hurt to stand or sit up.

    If he had a spinal-cord injury, he wouldn’t be standing or sitting up at all. There may be some swelling and it may be a long while before it’s fully healed, but permanent, paralyzing spinal damage is instantaneous. Don’t worry about that.

  • nancy

    I am caring for a 57 yr. old man with a broken neck. As a caregiver, I was looking for any information that wouldhelp me help him. I wish you all the best and a speedy recovery.
    God Bless You

  • nancy

    To whomever wrote paralyzing spinal damage is instanteous I just wanted to clear up that misconception. I was involved in an accident on Jan 19 and broke the C2 & C3 vertebrae in my neck. My doctors checked my ability to feel and move from the moment I arrived at the hospital, after my surgery and six days later when I was sent home. Not to scare anyone but paralysis is not always immediate.

  • nancy

    I broke C1, C2 & C3 on Jan 26th and have been in a halo since Feb1. No surgery is planned at this time, the Dr is hoping they will mend given time. Does anyone have experience with a halo and no surgery? Also I must be getting better because I’m starting to worry about scarring from the fore head pins. I have had several bouts of infection even though I was consistant in keeping the pins clean. What happens with the pin holes? Do they heal or is plastic surgery needed?

  • nancy

    I just had a halo vest removed 2 weeks ago, if you want to know anything more write to me to: ludojadek@yahoo.com.

  • nancy

    I was in traction for 28 days – the scars eventually heal – but never go away. Consider it your badge of courage! You’re one lucky dude.


  • Bob Acker

    I broke my neck, anyone with experience please contact me, especially if you healed without surgery or have any experience with halo or traction. I broke the C6 C7 vertabrae. bobacker@yahoo.com

  • I don’t have a lot of advice. But I did visit my brother last month (August, about four months after his accident) and seems to be doing really well. Kicked my arse in hiking! He still gets some pain in his neck sometimes, but I guess that’s more from having to wear a hard neck brace for two months. It was a rough couple of days for him — at one point he passed out in the operating room from the pain — but he’s doing well now.

  • Missy

    My baby brother (28 yrs old) was just this morning brought to the ER with a severe C1 fracture. He had been beaten with a golf club. Was airlifted to a more qualified trauma center where surgery was required. A 3-4(inch? mm?) diameter of bone was removed at the base of skull, along with several bone frags,one which had penetrated the spinal cord. All was repaired and he is now in SICU in stable cond. Has movement in arms & legs. Of coarse still not knowing how well he will heal the Dr. says the prognosis looks good. I am still very concerned! Anyone with anymore information or experience with this type of injry would be greatly appreciated! ~LOL~ Scared Big Sis

  • thomas buckhanan

    I was ejected from my truck. Sliding off the road at 70 mph turnd to avoid a headon I trurned the wheel to the right closed my eyes and said this is going to hurt. I had operation to screw the c2 vert togather. Then came the halo agitation, frustration and and misery. It felt wonderfull when it came off, but the pain was still threre. the neck pain willgo away. But in my case I recovered well. But hitting the truck or the ground that hard has left my memory scrambaled. I with no phy. damage to my brain, but I have no consept of time. I was strong as a horse and I am getting weaker.
    I am 45 yrs old. It is hard for me. I was a contrctor and now i am broke whit 3 chirldren to take care of. Just be happy the she will walk and be able to go on with her life.

  • Mazie

    All of you deserve a hug..God Bless You. My twin has MS and she slips out of bed and walks the stairs..without a walker. Her hubby is her only caregiver. I have asked and asked him to put up a gate..He claims she will break it down. any other advice. All i can picture is she falling on her head

  • ashley

    I’m 16 years old and about 2 months ago i was in a car accident where i was ejected from my car and thrown higher than the telephone wires and i landed on my head. I broke my c2 bone. the man driving behind me was a neck specialist and knew what to do. Now im in a halo brace and i only have one month left! i can walk and im happy.

  • nick

    i broke my c5 snowboarding…i took a jump too fast and landed on the back of my head and it burst my c5…that was 1.5 yrs ago..im still in rehab..i can walk with a walker and learing to walk without..but my serious issue is extra muscle tone…anywway

  • Lisa

    My son had a C1 and C2 fracture on 12 November 2007 through a criminal act – a halo was fitted, then hard collar and he now has a soft collar – a total collar time of four months and to-date no paralysis! This has been a very traumatic time not only for my son but for family and friends. A trauma like this affects all. I do not know what the future holds for my son, whether he will be able to return to work or even drive a car, but thankfully he is alive! To all those in a halo I APPLAUDE YOU because I know and have cared for someone who has had the gross misfortune to wear one, and, now may I take the opportunity to wish all injured a complete recovery – GOD BLESS xxx

  • Stuart

    I had broken c1+c2 in a motorcycle accident in Nov 03. After I awoke from a coma I was informed of the injuries and blessed with a halo until the unjury healed.
    Six months later the halo was taken off, I did not suffer from any infections and the scars remain only just visible. I do not suffer any pain whatsoever but suffer a little from restricted movement.
    Now the funny part…..the screws that hold the halo were being tightened (on my birthday) cracked my scull behind the ears on both sides. When i asked how this can be fixed the doctor smiled and replied ‘i’ll just put in some more’.

    If anyone reading this is in the middle of recovery from any type of spinal injury remain positive it can only get better.

  • michelle

    my boyfriend was in a car wreck in Dec. of 06′ and he broke his neck ( C-2) they put him in a halo. Thank God he is alive and has no paralyis. i know what it is like to care for someone in these contraptions, it is a very agonizing ordeal that i have there most respect for any one who has to go threw something like that. he had a very difficult time sleeping and he said it was mentally dibilitaing to have that on his head. He had a wreck and was out of the hospital in 4 days, i was amazed!
    When we got home he had to sleep in a recliner and after 9 weeks of the halo, it is off and he is in a soft-collar now. he still says it feels like the halo is on his head, he says it feels like the pressure of the halo is still there. the pins that were removed didn’t hurt him at all, i was in the room and they simply back them out. the places were are healing fairly well, i think there will be some scaring.

  • Daryl-Atlanta

    Hello from Atlanta. My little brother, age 43 (I call him “Squirt”) broke his neck skiing in Snowmass on 01/20/06. A fantastic skier since age seven, he hit a patch of unpacked snow on a downhill run and wham-swan dive onto his head. I broke mine in 1975 and he knew not to move. It took Fire & Rescue a l-o-n-g time to get him off the mountain down to Aspen Valley Hospital and then they determined that C-5 and C-6 was fractured and they airlifted him to St. Mary’s Neuro-Trauma Unit in Grand Junction (by the way, the cost to airlift him was $15,550.00, thank goodness for insurance.) His company decided that since he was there taking clients skiing, so the entire accident was covered by Workman’s Comp. He had surgery the next morning and they fused C-5, C-6 and C-7 and had him up walking that night. I brought him home six days later and he was in rehab and went back to work mid-September of 2006. He’s still in rehab and doing really well and is in the air all the time traveling. His company has been decent and just promoted him. Now, I just had a call that my 83 year old aunt fell in the bathroom at her nursing home and broke C-1 and C-2. They are debating surgery or keeping her in a Philadelphia Collar for six weeks and let the thing fuse. She is the world’s worst patient and cannot cognitively participate in her recovery of physical therapy. My little brother was a great patient and I was a great “big brother” and I’m proud of us both. He was eleven and I was 25 when I broke mine and he was always there at the hospital with me. I’m glad he listened to me and was a good and cooperative patient and did not take out his frustrations through his care providers in the hospital and after-care facilities. I wish I could compel my Aunt that we are not trying to kill her (as the movie “Throw Momma from the Train” was playing on the TV while she was blaming the world as we were tying to kill her. So everyone, if you are a caregiver…you’re doing good and noble work. If you are a patient, be nice to those that are taking care of you and try and find the “gift” in your injury. Only through adversity do we grown.

  • Pam

    Hello everyone. My husband was in a car accident on March the 25th. He broke his C3 vertebrae amongst other injuries. He came home from the hospital yesterday with an expected 4-6 month recovery time. I’m having to do things for my husband that is easily taken for granted like sponge bathe him and cleaning his rear after he has a bm. I don’t mean to sound pathetic but this has affected me just as much, if not more in some ways, than him. I guess it’s just hard for me because part of me is bitter for him deciding to get in the car with a drunk driver. The driver walked away with small scratches mind you. I guess I just need to keep my eyes on the bright side and be thankful that he’s not paralyzed or dead. I love him but this has really taken a toll on me. I hope he gets that. Are there anyone else out there that is experiencing the same type of emotions as I am? -thankful for him being alive, but pissed at his decision that caused this and how his decision changed my life as well as his.

  • Shaun

    Been wearing a halo for three weeks broke c5 with nerve damage lucky, as everyone else is, to be walking. found it hard too sleep at first but my muscles have adjusted now and i wake with minimal pain in my shoulders and neck. Was concerned about the tearing around pin site but was reasuured it was common due to movement-not to say dont get it checked out.
    Today i sneezed and felt a crack around two pin sites followed by pain. One began to bleed. I was told it was because the skin fuses to the pin and such a motion can break it, hense bleeding.
    I have found people are generally good in public, get quick services at least. Most people look but i propably would as well, i put it down to curiosity and children are the most interested they cant work it out like an adult can.
    lifes tough in a halo and it does alter your mental state. i believe its partly a self image thing partly the constant restriction and uncomfortableness and the effect on those around you. i try not to get caught up in it and live and think as normal as possible ive accepted it as part of life temporarally. lastly just a little thought. I believe this accident has changed my life for the good. It made me stop and correct such things as alcohol and gambling addictions. it happened (as weird as it sounds) to make me find myself again and stop me going down the path i was headed in life. make of it what you can.

  • Paula

    A good friend of mine just recently had a neck injury, she was on a canoe trip and dove into some shallow water, she was unconscious and was life-flighted to a near by hospital in Joplin Missouri. I spoke to her fiance and he told me she has a compression fracture in both her C2 and C6 Vertebras. They placed her in a halo and I think she is scheduled for surgery soon. He told me that she can feel her legs but cannot move them and she is able to move her arms and has a week grip in her hands. What are the chances she will be paralized? How long is the recovery for something like this? and is surgery always the best method for recovery?
    Please help me with understanding this better.

  • sue

    Uncle just came home from hospital, he fractured his C2 and C5. He’s a retired jockey and was exercising a horse. The horse stumbled, he went over it’s head and he believes it stepped on his neck. He’s home after 2 days. Says he’s in a stiff neck brace no halo. I’m concerned because although he is a very fit individual, he is in his 60’s. Luckily he is moving everything.
    I hve just read everyones situations.
    What is he to expect in his recovery?

  • Ash

    I recently had broken my neck on Dec. 9th of 06. I was in a bad car accident. I was driving my drunk friends home from the bar and i hit a patch of black ice and fliped the car 2 1/2 times. I dont remember much but i remember waking up to my friend asking me if i could feel my legs. I had said yes, so he asked if i could get out of the car. I had replied yes, so i climed out of the car and walked a few steps and layed down until the ambulance came. I was sent to Rodchester to the icu and later found out that i broke my 3rd vertabra. My doc told me that i should be thankful that i am even walking , and I am! I am still recovering from surgery and trying to get my short term memory back. It has been a tough road , but i know that it happened for a reason, otherwise i wouldent be sitting here. I told my mom if i was in a wheel chair for the rest of my life i would have told her to shoot me. there would be know way i would want to be alive.. I do say that i am thankful to be here but i almost dont want to be. But I am doing ok , alot of back pain and neck pain .. but i am working on it. I know I am here for a reason otherwise i wouldent have made it. It is just hard to take in that i was so close to dying.

  • Ash

    To add they did surgery and endend up fusing my 3,4,5,6 and t1 and now it is like a permanate halo.

  • Cat

    My husband was in a car accident in Dec 2004. He flipped over and it broke his neck the C-2. He did not have to have surgery, but was fitted for a halo which he wore for about 10-12 weeks. Then he wore a hard neck collar for 8 weeks.

    It was a very stressful time for our family (to say the least). It was hard for him to sleep but finally he ended up being able to sleep in the recliner. Sometimes he would take a pain pill to help him get to sleep.

    I would get him on the kitchen counter and wash his hair in the sink. I would stick damp rags down the vest and go back and forth to clean and itch his back!

    The doctors assistant told us when he got it on that he would heal and get through it, but he would always remember that HALO! She was right. Even today, I still think about it occasionally.

    He has healed very well and is not impaired in any way. His neck has a good range of motion, though not quite as good as it used to be.

    Honestly, if you have broken your neck and are still using your arms and legs, it is a miracle. God bless!

  • Kendra Frencher

    Hi Guys,

    I recently broke my neck in a boating accident. I dived off this boat not realizing that the water was way too shallow. It was only about 3-4 feet deep. I fractured my Cervical 6th vertebrae. I remember hitting the ground with my head first. I saw a bright light and many little stars. Its true when some sustains a huge blow to the head you do see stars like in the cartoons. Lol I went unconscious in the water.

    The ambulance came and I was airlifted to the nearest trauma hospital in Los Vegas. When I got there they immediately gave me an MRI when it was found that I had a C 6 fracture. I was to go into surgery the next morning. The Doctor who happens to be one of Vegas’ finest Nero surgeons told me that he would have to make a small incision through the front of my neck as well as the back. He would the fuse C5, C6 & C7 together. Before surgery I was able to move both feet and arms – but suffered nerve damage in both hands – more so in the right hand then the left. Per the doctor the surgery went really well and he said that I was very lucky. I was in the hospital for 1 week and I did even walk around a little in the hospital while I was there. It’s been a little over 2 months now and I am still recovering. I am hoping to be well enough to be able to go back to work in about another month. I am not going to rush it though. I am moving about just fine. The first month my sister had to help me do almost everything. I could not even really change my clothes on my own. Now I am doing just that. I have been really positive through out this whole thing. You have to be. You have to have family who supports you too. In a few more months I will be going back to the gym and doing everything that I was able to do before. I will not let this stop me. If anyone would like to talk to me about this or your own injury feel free to email me at starsinthesky21@yahoo.com

    We will get through this together. Thank god that I am here today to talk about this.

  • Sandie

    Hi Everyone,
    I fell down a flight of stairs and landed on a closed child gate breaking my neck c1 fracturing my scull breaking three back ribs a finger and dislocating a thumb ( some fall)
    That was five months ago I no longer have to wear a brace and no longer have to sleep sitting up and can see my own feet now (ha ha)
    I went through every emotion possible from anger to fear to panic and shed bucket loads of tears it has been a roller coaster of emotion,
    Hated being dependent on people for everything from washing to eating. I think that was the worst thing for me.
    But and it is a huge but I’m here walking now talking still in pain I have a morphine patch which helps and not a lot of movement in my neck that will come with time as the torn muscles heal,
    So to all I wish you from the bottom of my heart courage you will get better the bad times will go.
    If anyone wishes to share there experiences with me please do I will reply. sandiestone2000@yahoo.co.uk

    God Bless you all and smile it’s going to be OK.

  • Lauren

    My children and I were in a car accident June 26, 2007. Another driver decided to drive down the wrong side of the road at 8:00 in the morning. Both of my children, my son 3 1/2 years old and my daughter 18 months had c2 fractures. Both are in halos. I was also injured in the accident, broken bones, etc… My husband (who was not in the car) and I are trying our best to help them. I can’t do so much due to my immobility. What are some things that have helped with comfort while wearing the halo? Did you suffer from muscle spasms? What was the rehab like afterwards? Is there anything that would make it easier for them? It’s difficult for them to verbalize everything. Feel free to email me with some suggestions. theshampos@yahoo.com

  • paul

    hi all just came across this site lookin on how to sleep with a halo i fractured my c2 on sat 11/07 and got out of hospital 16/07 after falling 20ft of a wall wilst being drunk it does change the way u think after drinking everyday for years that was my last night for any beer again but how does any one manage to sleep with these things on ive tried everywere to everything to get to sleep with no luck

  • mac


  • Jamye

    On Memorial weekend 5/27/07 I was on a blow up slide going into an in ground pool. I ended up braking my finger and my neck. I broke my C1. They had to fuse C1, C2 AND C3. The doctor told me I’m very lucky to be alive, walking and not paralized. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks. I was in the hospital for 1 week and the doctor desided to take another MRI. I received another MRI and they found that my fracture spread 4 mm so they had to operate. So 2 days later I was in surgery. I was really scared because I will never have my 100% ability to turn my head, look up or down. It is decreased to 70%. I was in surgery and I got out 5 hours later. When I woke up I was in the ICU DEPT with all kinds of things hooked up to me and my hands cuft to the bed with a breathing tube. I was out of the ICU DEPT 48 hours later. I was up to the Trauma floor. I was finally released from the hospital on June 8, 2007. Today 8/23/07 on this day and for a few more days or months I will still have to wear the collar.
    I guess i have to say I’m lucky I didn’t have to wear a Halo. They said that the collar would do it for me. God was looking down on me during this all. If you want my more information please e-mail me at jamye75@yahoo.com GOD BLESS EVERYONE!!!!!

  • jennie

    Ok, I was just like paula in the hospital. I broke my neck C5 and 6 I could feel people touching me but could not move anything. When they did the surgury I could lift my arms up but could not use my hands period! They told my family that they did not know if I would be paralized for life. The main thing is no one can give those answers, it just depends on how much damage you have done to the spinal cord. I ended up making a wonderful recovery although my right side is stronger then my left side. I can run but it is hard, only a block and my left leg goes out. Only my family can see the damage when Im tired. I do however have nerve pain down my arms that is due to the bruising. I feel very luckey and it change my life for the better. It has been 10 years since the accident but I was back at college 8 month after the accident. If anyone would like to know anymore information feel free to contact me. I truely believe god has a plan for all of us!!!!

  • Vicky

    I was involved in a car accident in July 06 from a guy running a red light, I had a C2 fracture, wore halo for 16 weeks which unfortunately didn’t heal. Ended up being operated on Nov 06 – had C1-C4 fused – got to wear halo for another 6 weeks so neck wound could heal and then a hard collar for 12 weeks. Because of the fusion I cannot turn my head at all, I have a little downward movement but that is all. From the day after the accident I decided not to waste any of my energy on the driver, but on myself and getting well. You can be angry or complain but in the long run nothing changes, so this is it, and all you can do is accept it.

  • Linda Buergerhoff

    I am 52 years old I have 4 rare diseases 32 neurological diseases I have had C1 through C6 fused. I know fighting is important with all of these. I am determined and proved it many times. Can you tell me if I should expect getting better at all? The operation was on April 9th 2007 it is now Sept any suggestions???

  • Linda Buergerhoff

    by the way my one support is my son who is handicapped and 26 my husband died 10 years ago of yet another rare disease glioblastoma multiforme or malignant brain cancer

  • three years ago when i was 20 i was in a bad car accident . the car flipped and ended up on the roof , i climbed out of the car and up a steep hill . when i got to hospital the doc said id be home in a couple of days with a neck collar and that i was fine . the next day i had a scan that revealed i had a c1,c6 andc7 fracture the c1 was broke into two .i got flown to liverpool that day and a halo was fitted , the halo came off 4 months later followed by a hard collar then a soft collar . im so lucky to be alive at the time i had a 2 year old who is now 5 and i also have a 7month old and a loving partner and family who helped me through it . i still have physio and pain clinic but it can only get better from here , we are all so lucky to be alive and walking . i really feel for lauren who’s both young children are going through the same thing . all you can do is keep reasuring them and look forward to the day that the halos come off . i wish them all the luck and hope they have a full recovery .

  • jennie

    So sorry Linda!! Has there been damage to the spinal cord?? I truly believe god has a plan for you TRUST me! Maybe through your experiance you are touching somebody else.

  • John Faherty

    Hi, my name is John I just turned 27 this month, on the 10th of july 07 i suffered a c5 break on the back and front after a stupid drunken stunt on a night out. I fell about 4 or 5 meters and luckily landed flat on my back which i think may have saved me from being paralyzed due to lack of movement. I was knocked out until my friend woke me up, i actually tried to get up and did a small bit until he told me to stay down. luckily 2 local Spanish guys saw it as we didn’t know how to call for an ambulance.

    I was brought into hospital and from when i woke i had pain but felt very happy to be alive and walking. I had pretty much full movement in my body apart from my left arm its all quite a haze as i was drugged up and my memory was pretty bad. to add to that i was in Spain with no family just friends i had met there.

    I was actually told i could go home and have surgery in Ireland but i didn’t feel it was safe so 2 days later i had surgery and woke up after with no pain in my neck. As far i know i had the disc above and below my c5 removed had bone graft inserted. the bone graft from my hip caused me more pain than my neck and more pain in the months to come.I lost some of the feeling in my left arm it was numb but it has returned to normal.

    Im rambling a bit because its hard to explain like this so ill cut it short i wore a no neck collar for 2 months and have been getting used to moving my neck for the last month or less my physio gave me the all clear well to ease back to my normal life. So im happy to say yesterday was my first day back surfing and again today still a bit sore and my arms are weak from not surfing. Im extremely lucky to be back in the water so soon 3 months after my accident but im one of the lucky ones, i hope all this made sence and that every one here on this page recovers from their accidents im going to leave my email for anyone who might like to or need to ask questions because of similar accidents fahertypresent@gmail.com

    ps my physiotherapist said he was happy enough with the movement and said im the best recovery he has seen from this injury but he is the same age as me so that speaks for itself. What im just wondering is if its to soon to be in the water surfing ?? im confident and im not going into huge surf so i think it is, but even i am amazed at how quick i recovered.
    I have a different much happier approach to life now and all i can say is just thank god for every day you get i know i will from now.

  • Nicola

    A friend of mine has broken his neck and back and is in a halo vest. Does anyone have any experience and suggestions for things for him to do. He is struggling with all sorts of emotions, guilt that he can’t do anything round the house or to help with the kids, hates the loss of independance having to rely on his partner for everything, and suffers from flash backs from the accident. He can’t sleep, is bored, frustrated and doesn’t know what to do. He was in the Forces so is used to being active, he can’t concentrate on films, and doesn’t know what else to do. Can anyone help? You can email me on nicolah68@hotmail.com.

  • Cant say my name for a case is pending

    Can some one please talk to me, I know nothing about this???? I fell in a slippery spot on walk way,Broke c1 and damage to not known yet to ( r ) shoulder, I’m in pain, but mostly just feels tight, They say my sine looks like I’m 83, I’m 43. It has been 2 weeks, My arm hurts way more then my neck, And the arm is not broke, They are going to do a mri on arm next week, With that said, With my neck, Should I be in Very little pain from day one????And If any one knows with a pending case with everything in my favor, How much would be a min,, amount? i know I have a good caes But I dont know? 1,ooo, or 1oo.ooo???? Could it be bad, And This Min, Amount of pain, it has been 3 weeks. thanks,,

  • I fractured c2 and dislocated c3 on an atv. the doctor said i am lucky to be alive. he said i tried to slide my head off neck. I just got the halo off after 18wk . I am in a soft collar and everything still works. Believe it or not i cannot wait to go back to work . i am a very active person and all this time spent at the house is driving me crazy. I got tierd of people looking at me when ever i went some where. the kids i could understand but the adults really made me angry. If you smoke quit if you drink quit if you don’t take vitamins start . get up and walk around it will make you feel alittle better . I even went deer hunting in my halo no not with a shot gun with a pistol . you have to find some way to entertain your mind or will go crazy believe me you will watch a ton tv and yes the history chanel does repeat it self every 8hr. My wife has put up with alot of stuff from me over the years and she had a hard time with this one . this was not my first crash on an atv just the worst and yes i think i am done with atv . Your friends will help you get through this , my friends came over to see me every day that help me alot

  • Janet

    I was in a bus accident in Peru on the 12th June while travelling around the world. I broke my C2 bone in my neck in 4 places but thank god did not hit my spinal cord and no nerve damage so I am back up walking and have full movement. I have spent 3 months in hospital. They did a operation to repair the bone by placing metal in the head and neck. I have very restricted movement sidewards but up and down is getting better. I see a physio every week. Can anybody tell me more about this bone and the movement?

  • Kendra Frencher

    It would be great if we can all leave our email addresses at the end of our responses so that way we may get a hold of each other to ask questions or relate to our injuries. I have so many questions. There are people I have wanted to contact but cant because they did not leave thier email address. I broke my neck 7 months ago. Its been rough. I think I am about 75% there. Read my previous post to hear the full story. If you have any questions you can always contact me. I take it really easy and glad I will make it through to full recovery!!! Its just along recovery starsinthesky21@yahoo.com

  • Mark

    hey well on september 15, 2007 i had a horrible mountain biking action, i am only 16, i was riding a north shore on one of my local trails, i thought i had enough speed for this gap but i obvousily didnt. the drop was about 12 feet, i dropped the entire way and the first thing that hit was my head breaking c5, c6 in 3 places, and c7.
    this is the dumb part, i got up not thinking anything was wrong because it didnt really hurt a whole lot, i lost my wind as well so i was trying to get that back, i ended up walking down the hill with a sweater wrapped araund my neck and driving to the hospital just to get things checked out, then i got the worst news of my life, although they didnt do surgery i was in a brace fore a little over 3 months ive been out of the brace for about 3 weeks and man does it ever feel good. they say 6 weeks for recovery and a year to play any contact sports

  • Casey

    I broke my C2 September 23 and was in a rigid brace for almost 3 months. I finally had enough bone fusion to get my coller off on December 20th. I will start physical therapy next week hopefully. It feels great to be able to sleep without the brace on. I still wear in while traveling in vehicles just to be safe. I still have numbness on the left side of my neck and face, but was told I may have to live with that. I have no other lasting effect besides a very sore neck, chest and back (I also broke my T4). I was told a year before I did any major impact activities. Good luck to everyone.


  • please help!!!






    hi, in 16 years old female.

    2 days ago, i was snowboarding with my friends in the terrain park. i went down all the jumps, boxes & rails fine, & when i got down to the bottom, i turned around (facing the mountain & all weight on my toes) looking & watchng my friends come down, & still moving at kinda a fast pace.

    next thing i know, im flying back 10-15 feet onto my back, nailing my head into the ice.

    i dont remember anything else, but i must have caught on edge on my heels, but anyways, my friends told me later i kept asking who i was, where we were & how we got there, so i hit the ice PRETTY hard.

    they brought me to the paramedics where i again, blacked out & kept collapsing.

    i woke up on a board, being carried to the ambulance. thankgod i was tied to the board because i literally freaked out..

    anyways, at the hospital they did catscans & x-rays.

    i never expected there to be a neck injury, i jus thought i had jus gotten a concussion & thats it & id be back on the slopes in a week.

    turns out, i chipped the tip of my cervical vert. C6.

    i didnt feel in too much pain. i was walking around & moving my head fine too.

    they put me in a collar or neck brace for 6 weeks & i have to do physical therapy alot.

    im very thankful thats all it is, because they told me if i had broken it in another spot, i would have been aralyzed for the rest of my life.

    but can someone please help me in finding ways to make my neck heal faster??

    please, im a VERY VERY active snowboarder (try 5 days a week) & i want to be back on the slopes ASAP. snowboard season has JUST started too.. & i just got new gear today, for christmas.

    ohh & does anyone know of ways to still workout?? ive just lost 20 pounds with a healthy diet & excercising over the summer & i would really really like to keep those 20 pounds off.

    ive made a very nutritional diet with lots of protein also.

    im very very desperate. someone please help me!!!!

    merry christmas!

  • uhhhh … there’ll be other snowboarding seasons! Seriously, forget this year. You just escaped being paralyzed, you’re going to be in a neck brace for six weeks, and you don’t want to risk doing more damage to yourself while you are still healing.

    I dunno if you can run or cross-country ski with a collar on, but you could still make it to the gym.

  • please help!!!

    really? ahhh i dunno.

    the doctor said i could be back on the slopes in february.

    does that sound like a bad idea?

  • Well I mean if your doctor says it’s okay, then go for it. I know when my brother hurt himself, they wanted him to stay away from the slopes because if he had another accident he could aggravate it and do serious damage. But he had surgery while it sounds like your injury isn’t as serious.

    P.S. You’re right to be worried about gained weight … I know when I had knee surgery in 2002, I was sitting on my arse for a month and gained like 10 pounds pretty quickly. That’s cause I just ate pretty much the same I did when I was running everyday, and it ended up being a pain to lose the weight. But I think if you are disciplined and eat fewer calories, you’ll be okay. You have already done the hard part, losing weight; maintaining it should be much easier.

  • please help!!!

    yeah, thanks. ill jus take it slow & see how it goes.

    hey, is it normal to be sleeping 18-20 hours a day? im on pain killers & i jus feel tired & weak all the time.

    my mom says its fine & normal but i dunno. jus seems un-normal.

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