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broken neck

Evan snowboarding

My little brother Evan has been spending the winter teaching snowboarding in Aspen and had a serious accident today.

Apparently on the last run of the last day of the season, there was a problem with the snowboard. He flipping twice in midair before landing on his head.

He broke his neck — cervical vertebra 7.

But he can move his fingers and toes, which I guess is the important thing because it indicates no spinal cord damage?

I spoke to him at the hospital, where he was actually having dinner in his room. He seemed alright, a little drugged up, but in good spirits. He said he was fine laying down, but it hurt to stand or sit up.

The doctors did a bunch of tests tonight and are planning an MRI tomorrow (Tuesday) which will indicate whether surgery is needed. Either way, I guess he’s looking at a long time in a cervical collar. (Thankfully, he has a girl there taking care of him).

It sounds like he’ll be okay… but if anyone has any experience with this type of injury, please share it.

UPDATE 4/5/05: Surgery is set for tomorrow (Wednesday) at 1 p.m.

Evan said that after looking at his MRI, his doctor told him he was lucky he wasn’t paralyzed – but prognosis is good for a fully recovery within a few months.

UPDATE 4/7/05: The surgery went well, I’m told Evan is in some pain and somewhat cranky, but it looks like everything is going to be okay.

381 comments to broken neck

  • Hey Marquette. I haven’t really found a whole lot to do while in my neck brace except play video games and darts. Darts I could do it was like the only thing I could do without having to move my neck at all. Pool hurt trying to bend over and look up.

  • PJ

    I have fracture C3,4,5,6 and completely pancaked my C7, also badly torn my ligament from a car accident early in September 2011. I have all the vital signs, could move both legs and arms. I Had to have an op to removed all the crush pieces of bones from C7 (dozen or so), replaced them with bone from my hip and fuse C6, 7 and T1 together with a plate. According to the doc, the surgery went well except that one of the screws use to fuse the metal plate to my neck snapped off. I was wearing a Miami J vest after the op and was constantly in pain. 5 weeks later the pain was increasing and spreading from the neck to my ears. We had another x-ray and discovered that my C5 was sliding forward like a hunch and the bone was pressing on my spinal cord. I ended up in the theather the next day receiveing my halo. I was slightly crossed but you’d just have to go with it(it was half way through the healing time and having to start counting one again). Without the halo vest my head would probably fall off my shoulder literally. The Intern says that my head must’ve been too heavy the torn ligament couldn’t handle to weight… Gee. Thanks, Dan. I saw my surgeon at the 10th week for check up and the x-ray was looking good. So far, things have been ok. The pins were all neat and dry, scars from the op has healed months ago. I go out occasionally, gone wine tasting, to the beach and Christmas shopping and so on. The hardest part for me was the sleep, not the staring(Got ask a lot about what happened). The combination on of the pins, the metal rods, the vest and its wool skin that always rubbing and tickling my skin(I managed to slip a singlet underneat eventually) was very uncomfortable and the summer heat in Australia did not help either. Well, the moment of victory is near, less than one day and a half I shall be free from this contrapment. Hopefully my ligament would be well enough to support my neck and head(will find out soon by CAT scan and series of x-ray after the halo). It’s been 4 months since my accident I’m looking forward to go home to my partner and my pets and also get on with my life. My life prior the accident was very active, juggling full-time job and studying, having done almost nothing worried me a little. I missed everybody and everything. Now, I have a lot of questions: when can I start living, working, studying, driving, yoga again? What exercise is good for strengthen the muscle? What should I avoid? When can I travel? If anyone have any tips, could you let me know?
    Will keep you post on the recovery after the halo vest.
    Thank for reading this, I hope this help someone somewhere somehow.

  • PJ

    I had series of x-ray in the ER which show up that nothing was wrong but luckilyone doctor suggests CAT scan and the MRI scan. The results revealed 5 fractured cervical vertrabrae also had some bleeding and sweelling in my spinal cord tissure but that got better right after the operation (40hrs after the accident). It’s been 4 months now that I haven’t been home. Because of my injuries I had to atten the halo clinic weekly and I live two and a half hours drive from the hospital which was suck because I couldn’t travel long distant. Fortunately I have many support from my friends and family. I was able to stay with the in-law during these weeks. I get to see my partner once a week and my friends every other day. It has been a very challenging time of my life emotionally as well as physically but I have come to realized that these past months was only a mere zero point something percents of my life. I have had a lot to learn from and also have plenty to look forward to. My motto at the moment is live only to see the next day. One day at the time, fellow patients. Give yourself a break to heal itself.

  • Hi i’ve got a fractured neck in c6 and c7 caused by a bad car accident and from what every 1 tells me lucky to be alive, I’ve been wearing a malibu collar for 4 months now strait after the accident, Doctors first said it takes 3 months to heal but after 4 months and the CT scan back c6 has healed but c7 taking its time trying to do everything right but a month ago missed 1 step and had a sudden jolt and have a bit of pain again
    They say if it doesn’t heal i will have an operation very very scared at this point in my life, i have a fear of being parralised cause as a result from the accident my left hand fingers have pins and needle’s sensation they said it would get better but when they don’t know
    Everytime i go out in public i’am sick of every 1 starring and get asked a lot of the time what happened and feel like a parriot telling the same story over and over again.
    I find it veery hard to fall asleep depression from being able to do anything is also kicking in but i have to be positive about it all and hope i’ll be 100 percent again 1 day. I’am only 28 and staying home watching movie’s is boring the hell outta me never thought i’d be looking forward to getting back to work and having routine once again Remco Tas Australia.

  • matt

    Hi all,

    I broke c5 surfing on Thanksgiving 20ll. I am 27 and this has been the most difficult 8 weeks of my life. I’m still in the process of getting opinions from surgeons bc it looks like in order to return me to my quality of life (surfing/sports) my neck needs to be stabilized. For all those who have broken their neck, we know how difficult this is. I think the hardest part to deal with is the mental approach. After sustaining this type of injury and not being paralyzed you’ll hear “wow, you are so lucky.” While this is true, it doesn’t make the situation any easier to cope with. I suggest while in the recovery process, that people really take the time to get in tune with their mind, body, and spirit. Do some meditating. There are so many studies being done that prove the link between our thoughts and how those thoughts impact our bodies while we heal. Remember that Doctors and people have opinions, and all they are are opinions. The only opinion that truly matters is the one you have of yourself. Worrying and defeat, just brings on more worrying and defeat. Remember that tomorrow is not guaranteed, and right now is the most important time. It is really difficult, but use right now constructively by filling your mind and body with energy that promotes healing, strength, and security.

  • condog

    i fractured C7 a month ago diving into shallow water :S lmao, but i had surgery. they screwed a titanium plate with a piece of my hip bone to C7 and C6, fusing them together making one. im almost 100% only a month later, i guess im lucky, but just stay positive and STILL, relaxation is the key to feeling better, well that and OxyContin 😛 get well. I was in pain till a couple days ago.

  • Ellen

    Matt & Condog – could you email me? I broke C6 & C7 in a car accident. I’m bored out of my mind and desperately want to talk to someone who’s been through the same thing. I don’t know anybody who’s ever had an injury this bad and need someone to relate to and talk to about healing. My email is i.ellen.i@gmail.com. thanks!

  • Steve

    I fractured my C7 18 days ago in a hockey game and underwent the exact same surgery as condog above (C6&7 fused together with my hip bones and titanium). Everyone is telling me that the surgery went well but it really is too early to tell. The pain has been hard to deal with and sleeping has been pretty much the worst. This has been a very humbling injury and has forced me to think…a lot. I wish everyone the best recovery possible and hope the same for myself. Thanks.

  • bobby

    First and for most i want to thank God that i can still walk and talk and use of both arms . I broke my neck my c1 and compound c7 on 01-15-12 now i am in the halo going back 2 the dr 3-23-12 for x ray . I AM a active person i play sports coach football . it is killing me not to do any of those things for now . STRONG MINDS WILL KEEP HOPE A LIVE FOR EVERY ONE ON HERE STAY FOCUS ON THE TASK AT HAND AND THAT IS TO GET BETER WHAT THE MIND CAN ACHIVE THE BODY WILL RECIVE JUST STAY POSTIVE DONT LET NO ONE TELL YOU DIFFERNT

  • Patricia

    My 28 yr brother just had a car accident and broke c6 and c7. He just under went surgery. He has feeling in his legs and arms but can’t move them. He can move his fingers. I see alot of posts with positive outcomes but I wanted to know if anyone also suffered loss of function initially and then regained it?

  • I have c4,c5, cracked as well as two more broken between my shoulder blades just recently xrayed.I move my neck from side to side and I can hear the grinding in ears. I can only hold my head in a certain direction or i will feel the nerves pinching between my shoulder blades. In constant pain, my doctor knows about the pain, but hasn,t done nothing yet. Should i be bugging him to do something? I push wieghts also, after a good workout my shoulders go numb and neck is sore, i’m sick of the pain. Whats a giid medication to use?, I ‘d like to know!

  • Hannah

    I have fractured my C3 alittle bit over a year ago, I did not have to under go any type of surgeries but still have dayly aches and pains in my neck. I have found this site by researching information about chiropractors, I was trying to find information on if it would be okay to go to get re-aligned and hopefully relieve some of the pressure I have in my neck.

  • Kris

    Hey neck people !
    broke my C1,C2 and C7 2 weeks ago,got C2 screwed together..broken part was moving 4-5 mm…hurts pretty good….any advice on types of exercises i can do ?? wearing just a neck collar.
    Had my lower back broken 15 years ago (i am 47 now and still play to damn hard)….so far my advice is lift crap out of weights(if allowed) and check your diet and i mean food not supplements.It totally took care of the injury.Just moved to Oslo Norway from Phx,AZ so have no workout support so far….any takers ??? my email jabkris@yahoo.com….thanks to all for posts and wish quick recovery

  • Chris

    I had a C1-C2 fusion right after Easter last year 2011. Really tough getting through all the pain of the surgery and then dealing with the Halo. Got three different pin infections and had to have three of my pins retightened because of the pins loosening up. The most amazing amount of pain i have ever felt. Things were going well, got back on my skis this past winter, but a simple little trip over a pallet at work twisted my neck just enough to break the fusion less than a year from my last surgery. I go in for surgery in two days. Can’t express how disappointed I feel. It’s going to be really hard since I know how bad the whole experience is. Really sucks!

  • Marie

    When I was 55 I came off a colt I was training and demolished c5,6,7. Disks were replaced with cadaver bone and a titanium plate across the three. right after the accident I could not move at all but regained movement and crawled for help. The recoverey was brutal and comlicated by having to go on interfueron for another issue. There were so many medications for sleep, depression and pain that I had no quality of life until I found medical cannabis. I was able to get off all meds and start sleeping. 5 years later, I am getting settled into my new and less extreme life. I have some problems with my hands- cramping and numbness. I have stiffness and some pain in my neck as well as limited movement of my head. The pain comes and goes but rarely requires meds although I still use mc ingestables for sleep. There is nothing as healing as a good nights sleep. I am back to riding but not training and I need help with heavy lifting. It’s better than the alternative!

  • amit raturi

    I had accident on 11 may 2012 by car and my c5/c6/c7 of neck was fractured. I am having pain at back and pain in front of right hand pl advice what to do

  • Paul

    I fractured my C7 due to car accident, back in December. I’m 30 years old and was very active, camping, riding dirt bikes, four wheelers, canoeing, and drive race cars as my main hobby. Go back tommorrow to hopefully my last neurosurgeon appointment. It has be harder emoitanally than I ever expected. If one more person tells me how lucky I am I’m just going to freak out. Lucky is finding a winning lottery ticket, or the boss telling you to take off early on a Friday. I certainly don’t consider getting in a crash because someone couldn’t keep their car on their side of the road and hitting me head on, and of course they walked away unhurt. I’m still in pain over three months later, after the doctor told me the pain would be gone after the first 3 weeks. Oxycodone helped at first, but the side effects (itching, weird thoughts, rash) were mostly worse than the pain. After a couple of weeks, you become soo used to the pain it becomes hard to imagine life without pain again. I was in a vista collar, which was certainly better than a halo, but it stills sucks bad. The vista collar rubbed my neck, shoulders,back, and chest raw.. like getting a slow brush burn over a month. I found that putting baby powder under the pads helped some. As far a sleeping, I was a stomach sleeper, so sleeping on my back was difficult, but I finally got there. It also was hard to be tired enough to go to sleep on normal hours, because I was soo active before, just laying around watching TV didn’t burn enough energy to be tired. I quickly turned into a vampire, sleeping through the day and awake all night. Some days I would be awake for 36hrs straight until I could be tired enough to sleep. Toward the last month I started getting really depressed and found myself sleeping alot (since I couldn’t do anything when I was awake) I would sleep for 16-20hr straight. THE BEST THING I FOUND FOR THE DEPRESSION WAS WRITING A JOURNAL (like a diary). Didn’t have to be everyday, but whenever I felt sad or mad or whatever. I’m not a writer, but it really helped. When I would feel bad, I would read some of my writings and realize”hey my nerve pain in my arm has lessened” and I would feel better.
    I’ve been really disapointed with my Neorusurgeon.. for the first 2&1/2 months I would go to my appointment and only see his PAC and not him. The PAC said you should be all healed up and back to normal in 6 months. Only to have what I thought was my last meeting (when my Neuro finally showed) for him to tell me you’ll never put a helmet on again and shouldn’t do anymore risky behaviors…. I didn’t get injured racing, or riding dirt bikes, I was injured driving to work… what does he think I’m gonna do for the rest of my life, live in bubble wrap and not leave the house. Also the upper hooks of my vertabre are what broke and are dislocated, which they said wouldn’t need surgery and would heal out of place. But now after my last meeting with Neuro (waited 2hrs and meeting was less than 10minutes) I’m not real happy with his level of concern for my quality of life or therapy afterward. I’m now looking for a second opinion, but I see now my health insurance won’t cover it, so I have to pay out of pocket.

    After first month or so I found certain things help: use baby powder around collar padding, even though its a pain take a shower every 3 days minimum (helps make u feel better also), after first month I found how if I use a stiff pillow under a soft pillow I could sleep on my side (see internet for side sleeping position), talk to a friend or co-worker every day (not someone you live with or is taking care of you) just hearing about other peoples live makes you forget for a minute what your going through, do what makes you happy ( if your outdoorsy, go outside and sit on the porch a couple minutes each day), I found joy in being able to walk do driveway to get mail (it became my new normal routine), be happy for every little accomplishment, don’t worry about gaining weight (when you laying around your gonna gain weight), don’t starve yourself of food (you need vitamins and nutrients to heal faster), I also found that by putting something I wanted to write or read on an painters easel or high in the air made it better/easier to read and write while standing(instead of trying to hold it in the air of bend over at the waist), eat where your most comfortable(for me it was sitting on couch eating off coffee table, dinner table was to high), try not to travel (getting in a car accident while injured would really suck), when I did ride with people i told to drive normal speed except stop and start a little easier (I found when they slowed down for bumps it made the car rock side to side more instead of letting the shock aborbsbers so their job), talk to someone who has had a bad similar injury (they are a wealth of knowledge and can offer tips that helped them), plan on what your going to do the first day doctor says you can drive/travel (for me it was go fishing, even though I knew it was a horrible time of year to catch fish), thank your friends and family everytime they stop by or call or help you out in any way (being nice made me feel better)
    Alright I rambled enough (ahh, I feel a little better each time I let out what is bottled up)
    Hope this helps someone, as much as reading the others have helped me

  • Ben

    I’m 37 years old, and had a ski crash resulting in my C6/C7 to break. Along with that, I had contusions of both lungs and fractured ribs. At first I didn’t realize I had done this damage to my neck. I ended up at the local hospital, and then sent to another via ambulance. I found out Ii did need surgery in order to prevent nerve damage in my right arm. I had a choice of them operating through the front or back of the neck, I chose the front to avoid more damage to my vertebrate. Everything went well, after taking a bone from my pelvic and fusing it between C6-C7. I had my first followup appointment a week later and my x rays looked good. Both screws and the plate were in place and fusing quite nicely. It has been 11 days and I feel good on the meds that were given. I needed a muscle relaxer (flexural) to relax and release the muscles in my neck/back. Also a week long steroid (prednisone) to lower the swelling and release any pinched nerves, and another script to stop sharp nerve/dull aches in my arm. I have been in a brace, been sleeping on my back, the whole accident is starting to sink in. To everyone out there suffering with your broken neck…Help is on the way

  • rajat

    hey halo brace ppl…..i’ve a c1 c2 c3 broken in a car accident in 2009 in Australia,faced ma worst pain in ma life,dnt wont ne1 to go thru it but im writing today as broke into a fight nd i collapsed dnt knw why it wz just fr 10 min but still do ne1 face same kinda problem in their life…..i found this site aftr a search on google thought sm 1 woukd temme bout it,gonna wait for sm replies…cheers raj

  • Jeanie

    I had surgery for double ACDF on C5/6 C6/7 on 22/2/2012 bone from hip used, 2 cages and titanium plate. How have you healed and how soon could you manage to cope with return to work? I am frustrated by arm weakness and want to decrease pain relief asap cheers Jeanie (50 y.o)

  • annette

    Hi..My name is Annette. Back in 1989 I was in a car accident. Without going into all the details..I suffered the almost exact same injury as your brother. But..I was a young mother on medicaid working my way through college. I was not the driver of the vehicle and the driver had no insurance. They did ONE xray when I first got to the hospital. Did not show anything. But..My neck was broken. It took four years of telling my doctor there was something more wrong than just muscle damage. He finally said..OK..lets do an MRI. It showed that C2 and C3 were fused together..there was stynosis (sp ck) at the C2/3 level as well as damage done to thoracic and lumbar. The daily pain I have accepted as just being part of who I am. Some days are much worse than others. Your brother is soo lucky that they found out what was wrong with him in time to correct it. It makes all the difference in the level of pain he will experience..quality of life..what he’s able to still do..everything. My cervical spine is so bad that I have to be careful of everything that I do. One minor accident could be catastrophic. The pain that I deal with is now just a part of me..it’s like backgroud noise..you feel helpless..your feel worthless..and worst of all..you can’t stand pity. The only time I will admit that I am in pain is on the days that it is horrible..when I say to my family that “I am hurting today”..it is code for I am in such agony I wish I could just be left alone please. Most people with chronic pain end up living alone simply because people just don’t understand. They see a person who looks fine. They aren’t being cruel, they just forget. And if you are like me, then you are really screwed because they expect too much from you. My friends want me to be the old me..they want me to go out for a few drinks..they forget that I can’t mix alcohol with my medications or that I’m simply more compfortable stayine at home. It is lonely..all of the time. I worked with my pain for well over ten years..up until the day I got up and realized that I was no longer controlling my pain..it was controlling me. I was taking too much medication simply to get through the day..I was asking my staff to get my car and bring it to the door..which didn’t sit well..lol. They didn’t realize that my knees were hurting so bad that the idea of the walk to my car seemed like I was going to climb Mount Everest..LOL. So..I made the horrible decision to go on disability. I hate it and yet..there really is no alternative..if I could know what the morning would bring..I could plan..but since I don’t..I have to live like I am. I am not complaining..simply trying to..I guess vent?? There are those that are in wheel chairs that would love to be able to just have to deal with pain just so that they can walk..so I am grateful. I thank God for the pain. It means I’m still standing. So..that’s my story. An independant woman taken out of the world that was pretty awesome..and now..still finding ways to cope..to stay present and involved. To find self worth when you feel worthless. To try and find a way to tell my daughters I just can’t chase 2yr olds today. I’m still young..still vital..still enjoy life..I just wish I could make those around me understand that for me..I can’t plan..I just have to roll with the flow..(i hate it..every second of it..but it’s my life..and it’s the hand i was dealt..so..i’m bluffing my way through the game..but..i’m playing the hand i was dealt..and playing it the best way i can to stay in the game.)

  • annette

    I should have added..that I self rehabbed. Because I knew there was something more wrong..I was not going to go through the rehab they had set me up for..it probably would have killed me or left me paralyzed. I was in intensive care for three days..sent upstairs and then booted from the hospital..it is a long story I won’t go into..but it was Medicaid care 20 plus years ago. My left shoulder was stuck to the side of my cheek until I could work it down..my left arm was bent and my hand rested under my chin..it took me a year to straighten it out..all the while I was going to the doctor and telling him there was something more wrong that they did not catch. Once he reviewed the results of the MRI..after four years..he didn’t even call me..he just set me up with a Neurosyrgeon who told me there was nothing they could do to correct it..that it was a management problem and that I would be in pain everyday for the rest of my life..it was then that I accepted the pain and learned to cope with it. It was actually a relief to know that I had been right all along. No..I did not sue. There is still nothing they can do to surgically help me..so I carry on. But..I did try..I tried to get them to listen..to hear me..but..again..it was Medicaid 20+ years ago..and my doctor admitted that to get an MRI approved was a big hassle..but..I guess I should be grateful that he went through the “hassle” of getting it approved..it allowed me to start to try and find ways to live with what couldn’t be changed.

  • Paul Dante

    Hi everyone, I have been reading these post and feel so at home with all the stories and responses I see. I broke my C7 on Feb 27 snowboarding. The next day I had an amazing surgeon insert a cage and post fusing my C6,C7, and T1. Most of the nerve damage I felt was down the right side and has since gotten a lot better although I still have slight numbness in two fingers on my right hand. the Drs say it will get better and thats what takes the longest to heal. I have been amazed at the progress of recovery from weeks 6-12 I am left with general soreness and aches in the affected area but my range of motion has increased greatly. But, around week 8/9 of my recovery I began to feel internal vibrations (like a tuning fork ringing inside) Its not constant and usually occurs from bumping into something or cracking a joint. What is weird is I can get it to happen when I put my chin down to my chest (or as close to it as I can manage) I have a Dr appointment next week but I really wanted to know if anyone else has experienced this or has any knowledge about it. It is the only part of my recovery that I scaring the hell out of me. Any help is appreciated.
    I wish all of you the best in your recoveries and hope you all move on to your normal and active lives as soon as possible.

  • David

    Hi Paul – I’ve posted a few times about my experience healing from a fractured C5 in 2006 (front & rear fusion surgery) which included damage to the Ulner nerve that has my left pinky and ring finger a little numb (tho much stronger now than immediately after the accident).

    I also experienced about 6-8 weeks of buzzing, starting about four months after the accident. It was strange – it came on at very specific head angles up & down, and was not accompanied by any strain, just a feeling almost like a hair trimmer turning on just below the skin. After everything I’d gone thru at the hospitals, and since it wasn’t causing me any pain and I had some control over it (just don’t look up or down ;’) I figured it would be something like the numbness & scars, that I would just live with as a reminder, and the docs took a wait & see to it. Then, one day, I realized it was happening anymore, and it hasn’t come back since.

    Good luck with your healing. David

  • DraftyBeer

    I was in a car accident in June 2005. My car was turned over and I was thrown into the street. I have fractures on neck C5 and C6. My neck was kinda stiff and kinda sore and still is. After 6 months I had a hissing sound in my neck that affects my right ear and have extensive arthritis on the right side of the vertabraes. I had neck epidurals which helped to some extent.I have to do a brain scan soon to see if the problem might be from compressed nerves or something else.The hissing sound would go away at first but now it is constant.The doctor said I might need to have the vertabres scraped.So far there is no permanent cure for neck injuries. Steroids help the inflammation.I don’t lift much of anything anymore and don’t work because I was already retired.I never had had back or neck problems all my life till now.I don’t have any arm or leg numbness so I probably don’t have any serious nerve damage.I know it’s a nightmare and hard to explain just what it feels like.We all seem to have some of the same symptoms to relate to each other.
    Take care….Dr@ftyBeer

  • Don James

    Hey everybody, it’s great to find a forum where people have these common issues. I was hit almost head-on by an out of control SUV in January and my surgeon said if it was going to heal, it would be about 8 weeks in a hard collar. After 10 weeks and no improvement, he said it needed surgery. I asked if there was anything else that could be done he told me about the bone stimulators. I tried one of those for 5 weeks and no help whatsoever. I got C3-T3 fused with rods and screws. The reason for it being so extensive (even though only C7 was fractured, was that I am 66 and the xrays showed that most of my cervical vertebrae are already fused from arthritis, and fusing less would put too much load on the few remaining cervical vertebrae. It’s been 5 weeks since surgery now and it’s slow going for healing. Probably my age and poor health, I guess. I have that numbness in my 2 small fingers on my left hand, sometimes it hurts mildly in that elbow as well. Last night was the first night I slept in a bed (been using a lazyboy) and I can’t tell yet whether that’s an improvement or not. I saw the surgeon 10 days post op and he told me he wanted me off the oxycodein in 3 weeks. That was 4 weeks ago and I’m still taking 1 a day (around 4pm), some days one at noon as well. I cut back right away to 2 a day, rather than taper down from the 6 a day I was taking right after surgery. So clearly it’s getting better if I can make it on one oxy for a day. 8 vertebrae fused together is alot, but his reasoning was I shouldn’t need additional surgery after that so I hope he’s right. Getting active again after 6 months is hard, been walking the last week, our driveway is 450 feet (country) and me and Claire started out one lap, then 2 laps, yesterday we did 3 laps. My goal is 6 laps, that will be a bit over a mile which is what I used to walk before the accident. I wish you all well, this is tough and it’s really one day at a time with this stuff. Don

  • Paula McMillon

    I was born with a severe case of Scholiosis i inherited from my mother, have lived a very active life with my neck twisted backwards and a severe s-curve in my spine, knee trouble, asthma, stuff like that, but always stayed active, have been kayaking, walking and pool are my favorite activities, did them every day to stay active when i had them available, then they were taken away by circumstances but of course i can walk anywhere.

    Then we moved into a house that i thought would change my life and get me what i have wanted for so many years, the man of my dreams whom i married 12 years ago and who has lived in TX instead of here in Bham where he left me to take care of my wayward, angry son while my husband lives and works with my son’s father, my ex-husband, his younger brother, very complicated situation, and now i have moved into this house, had barely gotten our furniture moved in, no beds, i was on the couch, my 25-yr-old son on the couch and i got up to use the bathroom at sometime in the wee hours after the housewarming party next door
    i chose the wrong door and went down concrete staircase to a concrete floor and a concrete wall, my son woke up to the noise and took care until the ambulance came to get me
    i am doing well, but have questions and no support from my son or my husband, they have made me feel like a burden they don’t want to deal with and they are the ones taking care of me, i am having alot of trouble staying strong and happy, need someone happy to support me, i’m not getting the love i expected and am very lonely

  • Rob

    Eight weeks since I was hit by a car while cycling to work. C6 and C7 fractures, hand fractures and the usual assorted bumps, bruises and strains associated with being knocked onto the road by a tonne of moving metal.
    I don’t remember anything of the crash. The driver admitted guilt but I have no recall at all. Woke up in the hospital in a neck brace (Philadelphia). I’m told I have to wear it for 12 weeks minimum but can take it off in the shower (very weird feeling)- I have been taking it off for other short periods recently just to have a rest from it but haven’t asked the Doc if that’s OK. From reading all the comments above I think I may have been trying to do too much too soon but I reckon that only I know how I feel and should work to that. I’m 66 years old, very fit (or was) and am really hoping I can get back to being as active as I was before the crash. My major concern at the moment is the impact on my right arm, wrist and hand with pins and needles in my fingers, loss of feeling and strength amd restricted movement of fingers and wrist. I’m working on it and can see some improvement but like I said, I may be pushing it too soon to get results. The comments about pain from sitting or standing for too long are so true as are those about sleeping. I’ve become an insomniac since the crash and haven’t yet worked out a method for getting some decent sleep. Sleeping on one’s back is NOT NORMAL! Anyway, I’m being positive, have the whole hearted support of my wife, kids and friends and it’s amazing how bouyed up one gets after someone drops in or calls on the phone. Onward and upward.

  • DAVE


  • Raebo

    Hi everyone. Ur stories touch my heart. I too had broken neck injury this year. New years Eve night to be exact. clock struck midnight and it was all surreal from there. 50 miles per hr… curve.. black ice.. car spins 3x.. “Jesus take the wheel” great Underwood song! that was me.. A telephone pole saved my life! Thank you Jesus! I believe my C2 C5 C7 were fractured. No surgery, Miami J. Healed in 2 months. 7 months later i seemed to have made a full recovery. I’m lucky i know! I complain about the Hospital bills, had no ins. A lot of money but guess i have my health to go out there and work my Ace off for the rest of my life to pay it back! I do have faith in the Lord, i believe this is Faith on Trial as in the book of Job. Our character is being built as we are now learning so much about ourselves and life. Keep the faith, hope and love alive.. The good Lord is by ur side! God bless. 🙂

  • msnomer

    Hi all. I had a soft tissue injury after a car accident. I know it may seem so small in comparison but the pain slowly took over my life. I saw pain specialists, neurologist, even psychiatrists and just kept losing more and more of my quality of life. After awhile the pain pills were as bad or worse as the pain.

    What turned it around for me may just turn it around for you too. I’m not some nutrition boost or a health food nut but MEGA DOSES OF OMEGA 6 HELPS!! I swear it. American’s don’t get much at all it kills inflammation, lubricates every tendon and ligament and cushions the bones. Please give it a try.

    OLIVE OIL. Cold Pressed. At least 5 Tablespoons a day and NO IT WON’T MAKE YOU FAT. It’s good for the matabolism and may just give you your old life back. More and more research finds that it works. You have very little to lose.

    By the way, Costco has it very cheap.

  • Ambers

    Hi! I fractured my c2 6 weeks ago and have 7more weeks (hopefully) in my halo. I have heard mixed reviews regarding whether or not it is painful getting the pins/halo removed. I am very nervous about this. I am also wondering, for those who were injured in a car accident, how long did it take before feeling comfortable riding/driving in a car, again? Also, did you regularly take prescribed pain meds, while wearing a halo? Just want some input, please! Thanks!-

  • Alex JB

    Hi Ambers & others, I broke C2 (typeIII occ.)on Fri Apr 13 when dumped in surf. I was paralysed for 2 mins until rescued. Like you I needed 13wks in halo. I was probably too active in halo and movement of the screws enlarged the holes which does become painful, particularly when being driven over road bumps. But I found I could tighten them myself with no pain at all! They stayed tight for another 3wks but then loose again so halo off a wk early. Removal was quick and a little painful, maybe doctor worked too fast. Take an Endone beforehand. The pain is nothing compared to the joy of losing the halo. Lots of exercise needed to loosen rest of neck which had hardly moved since spinal cord compression and paralysis, but 90% recovery after 4mths. Let your senses set the limits, when you use the collar afterwards. I wore it for 2wks and slept in it for 5wks. Panadol & Endone v effective but easy to overdose and stress liver I found. Also my need for Calcium/Magnesium VitD/sunshine doubled. All the best.

  • Jennifer

    Broke and dislocated C5 whilst skydiving in early July. Lost feeling and movement in my lower arms initially, but got it back in time to land (albeit a hard one). Lucky to not be a quad, etc. Had front and back surgeries to stabilize, went home wearing a soft collar. I went home on two narcotics, Gabapentin, and tylenol. Off the narcotics after six weeks (except for an occasional mg of dilaudid if I’ve done too much).

    85-90% back to normal–had tingling/numbness in my fingers sometimes until a couple of weeks ago. Now waiting clearance to start PT so I can rebuild the now-messy muscles in my neck, shoulders, and back.

    Usually don’t have much/any pain on Gabapentin and Tylenol, although Gaba makes me a little stupid.

    My primary care doc gave me great advice two weeks in. She said that getting off the narcotics (Oxy SR) can be tricky because they suppress natural endorphins. So she suggested that I walk hard enough to elevate my heart rate (although not hard enough to be out of breath) every morning, which I do for 30-60 minutes. Makes endorphins flow. I wear my soft collar and am careful where I put my feet because even stepping off a curb hard can hurt my lower back (weirdly, since it’s my neck that was broken).

    Also, immediately started using a protein supplement to get my intake above my baseline vegetarian low level and making sure to take CA/vit D supplements religiously.

    That said, the mental stuff has been hard from time to time. I work from home, so went back to work the week after I got home from the hospital to meet client deadlines. Get out as much as I can, relying on others. That helped, but I still find myself slumping toward depression every so often.

    Also, I fully intend to resume a very active lifestyle (including skydiving), which I know my surgeon will never clear me for. But my kids are grown and I can’t live half a life.

  • Hi !! I fell from a tree Sept 11 2011. I broke my neck at C-7 and T-1. T-6 basically got blew out. Back is fused from T-4 to T-8. I have 2 titanium rods and 10 screws holding my spine together. Suffered a punctured lung, broke 16 ribs, fractured both arms at the wrist that required to plates inserted in each, fractured sternum which also required a plate to stabilize, broke my collar bone and several other smaller fractures across my back from the impact. I spent 11 days in ICU and 9 days on a ventilator. I developed several blood clots the worst was a DVT in my right thigh. This got loose and ended up in my lungs. I lost 35 pounds in my 30 days in the hospital. When I was released I still had not walked without a walker and could not swallow and pills and very little food. I can relate to people who suffer such injuries. One minute I am in the tree and life is fine the thing is know is days later and I am in the ICU unit at the hospital where all I can do is wiggle my fingers and toes.
    It will soon be 10 months since started rehab. I can do things now I did not think would ever be possible again, I am believing God for more healing but I have made more progress than anyone thought I would. It has not been easy, as you all know. When I don’t want to go therapy I just have to tell myself what are the options. If I don’t go I know I will never get any better and I want to get better so I go. Some days are better than other but I am not paralyzed and I am back to work. At times the mental process can be overwhelming. I think of my wife and 10-year-old girl and tell myself to keep moving on.
    When I got home I was taking 10 prescriptions. Had a few bad reactions but overall tolerated most of them well. Am down to 5 now. There several pain medications I can’t take because I am still on Warfarin for the blood clot.
    All the doctors I have seen tell me the same thing: People with my injuries are either dead or paralyzed. I am so thankful I have been able to recover to this point and believe for more!!!

  • Tracei

    hi i was involved in a car accident where by i was stationary, the impact fractured c6 & c7, i have had a collar on for over 3 weeks, plus c4 has a chipped corner, can anyone one give me tips on how to cope with the pain, its getting worse sitting or standing, numbness in left arm. fortunately i am sleeping loads and maybe thats due to depression, HELP, does anyone know how long this cervical stiff horrible collar will stay on for?

  • Aisha

    Hi guys.. I haven’t read all these posts. But, let me tell you.. I know exactly what you are going through. I was in a car accident on 06/28/12. I broke c2-c7. For some reason, I lived. I’m still not sure why, but thats another story. I have some nerve damage, my mind works alot quicker than my hands, which results in alot of typos on a computer. xD
    I’ve got lots of tingly fingers. My arms go numb quiet frequently. Sleeping is terrible.
    I’m no longer in a neck brace, I was for 8 weeks. Havent started rehab yet. Waiting on lawyer b.s. I remember my accident, moment for moment. I laid on the side of the highway, propped up by sleeping bags and purses, for 5 hours before help showed up. We were in an area of bush that no one could find. It was a back highway. We flipped in the vehicle for 20 meters. 5 hours I sat there.. I felt my whole body go numb, I thought I would be paralyzed for life. There wasnt any cellphone reception, my friends ran for the highway. I didnt know what to do. I screamed and begged and pleaded to be moved. I told my friends and boyfriend they had to move me into the sun. I was right behind the vehicle. Its still all a blur, the stay in the hospital? No, I dont even remember it.. If anyone wants to talk. Please feel free to email me.. aisha-day@hotmail.com

    peace and love

  • Tom

    I am 25 years old and live in England. On June 16th 2012 I crashed my car into a tree and was found 40 yards from the road in a field. I was travelling home from work but I can’t remember even getting into my car. I fractured C1 and C3.

    When I arrived at Hospital the Doctor didn’t notice that I had fractured my neck. The nurses had me sat up in a chair telling me to keep moving or I would become stiff. When my Mum arrived she said my head was hanging to the side and I was complaining of neck pain.
    Once the shift changed in the hospital and the new doctor was going through the recent patient’s records he luckily noticed the fractures and came rushing in to get me into a neck brace. My GP later told me how lucky I was. Due to the fact that C1 was fractured if I had of sneezed or coughed while not wearing a neck brace and disturbed the spinal cord my heart and lungs could have stopped working.

    I was transferred to a specialist unit where they put me into a Halo brace. I wore the Halo for 2 months. The most uncomfortable 2 months of my life. The worst thing was not being able to wash properly. The pain was much better dealt with by using cannabis rather than any of the pain killers given to me, including morphine. I stopped taking the 18 pills per day within the first week of being home. After smoking a joint I was actually worried I was going to do some damage because of how little pain I was feeling while moving around.

    Once the Halo was removed I was in constant pain, much worse than while I was wearing the Halo. I was put into a stiff neck collar for 12 weeks. The pain reduced by a small amount everyday over the first month, until there was only discomfort caused by wearing the brace for 24 hours a day. I am hopefully going to be able to take the neck brace off on the 5th of November and begin physiotherapy. The specialist is confident that I will make a full recovery and my injuries should not stop me from doing anything that a ‘normal’ person can do.

    I am sick of hearing how lucky I have been, like many of the people on here, but it’s true. I am trying to turn this horrific experience into a positive one. I have a new found lust for life and have gained so much motivation from it. I am no longer happy to just float through life and see what happens; I have started getting into shape, even while wearing the neck brace. I’m cycling 10-15 miles per day on an exercise bike daily and planning on taking up Jiu Jitsu once I get the all clear.

    If there is anyone who is going through this unusual injury that would like to ask for advice or just wants to talk to someone who has been through the same thing please feel free to e-mail me tompemberton1234@hotmail.com

  • Rob

    Hi Tracie
    I had c6 and c7 broken. Was in collar for 12 weeks. Good to hear you are sleeping – I found that very difficult. Have had the collar off now for 6 weeks. Took a bit of getting used to initially but OK now unless I forget and move too suddenly. I tried to stay active even with the collar on so was riding an exercycle, doing ab exercises, small weights and even a little walking. I think that helped with pain and recovery. For the pain I took as little meds as I could but it’s such an individual thing that I can’t advise you on what to do. Since the collar has been off I’ve upped my exercise, gone back to work part time and will be full time from October 22. Still have numbness and loss of strength in my right arm and hand but am hoping the therapy as well as my own exercise regime will help it improve. It does get better! Stay positive and look for ways you can take some control of your own recovery. Go well.

  • michelle

    My partner has recently completely smashed c1, c2 and c3. The surgeons.words…”completely, completely, completely “, I see 4 cases same as you and 3 were dead, others are my and butter you just the butte”. 2 rs after.coma
    was woken and walked maybe about 15 meters, lost a little movement in right arm….
    So when your t.times not up its just up

  • Tiago

    It’s so good to be reading all these same kind of stories! Male us feel better! I am 16 years old and I broke my c6 on a mountain bike accident in Whistler canada.
    I’ve done surgery and has been 6 weeks I have my brace on. tomorrow I am going to the doctor do a x ray, wish me luck. hope everyone get better!

  • vijay

    Hi all ,
    i had a car accident before three months ago, i have a fracture in C2 and C3, i had CT scan and MRI, i was very lucky in accident. i didn’t had any surgery. my doc said it will take three to four months to heal it. i wore a collar belt for 1 months only. After leaving hospital i never visited to a doc again. Now a days i can move, walk freely but not 100% recovered. i just have a question how long it takes to be a normal..I still have a little pain in my neck. when i keep sitting at one place for a long time, pain gets start and then i have to lay down for a while to relax my neck. i will really appriciated if you have any advise for me.

  • Jason B

    I broke my c5 and had a disc that was bulging out between c5&6 from an incident 4 nights ago playing soccer. I had excellent service at the hospital and was given an X-ray and ct scan within hours of the incident. I had walked into the hospital to get things checked out because of my concussion symptoms, not for my neck initially. It was considered an unstable fracture. I just had an excellent surgeon fuse together my c5&6 and repair all of the damage. There was also issues from a previous issue that caused a large bone spur which he removed. I’m now at home healing with a soft brace on. I’m told that I will be able to start running with 3 months and playing contact sports (if I wish too again) in 6 months. I’m very happy with the results and I hope everything heals as planned.

  • kayla

    Hey people I really dont care to explain what happened to me to cause the fracture in my neck but I am looking for some advice.. but im 24/f my c4 is cracked and my c5 is split in 2 im in horrible pain and not even the vicodin the dr prescribed takes the pain away please understand when I tell you that even though its only been a week for me I was hoping some of this pain would ease at least with the medication right now im in a Miami j brace but I can still move my neck so I fear that its not helpinguch I dont see my doctor again until feb 11 3 weeks after initial injury is it common for the appt to be this far out or should I call and see if I can get in any sooner like I said im juat looking for advice im trying to do my own research on this injury but not finding much how long before I could return to work excersice…ect… right now I am on strict “rest only” restriction

  • gerardo vizcarra

    Hey guys wow I feel like I know u guys I broke my c1 and completly shaterd my c2 the doctors couldnt belive I was stil alive i have made a full recovery as far as walking and arm mobility but im in constant pain and have no movement of my neck im happy to be alive and walking but ive had such a long recovery n a lot of time in bed that depresion ant anxiaty has realy hit me hard but reading your guys storys has made me feel better nobody around me really understands how hard this is I cant pick up anything over 10 pounds wich is even harder when I have a 3 year old daughter my arms go numb n there fore cant work this injury has really humbled me n showed me how fragile we all are I hope all u guys keep geting stronger n my advice as cheesy as it sounds is love the people u have in your life n if your lucky enough to recover to a normal life really cherrish it cause some of us shouldnt be here rite now thanx for sharing guys and sorry bout the spelling

  • Laura Leech

    Hi everyone, I’m looking for survivors of broken necks and I found this page
    I broke my neck in 2010 rolled my car 4 times.no one at the hosp found it,3 months I lived in pain and no one believed me. you tend to feel alone when pain rules your world.the disk between 5 and 6 is gone and they had to take a bone graft from my hip to hold my head in place. my 3 year anivercy is coming up. and I consider myself to be very lucky, at 54 years old and a new hip 5 months ago ( yes they made me wait 2 years to fix my hip.)I am almost normal.I will never be able to work for anyone again,, I need to work from my home.
    I send you all hugs and good wishes.
    if any one knows if facebook or other sites have a gathering place for us broken neck people to visit and chat, please send me the addy
    again good luck to you all.

  • Joshua

    Hello, I read these posts and other information on a fractured cervical vertebrae almost everyday…Thank you everyone for posting. I am 28 years old and I fractured my c2 and c5&6 in an auto accident and to the wonderful news I found out, no spinal cord involvement( I did experience numbness in my arms and legs for about 6-7 weeks post accident, but I have read that it is a normal feeling of having a fractured neck). My C2 was fractured at the dens (odontoid) a shallow type three fracture. I was in a halo for a about a day when my doctor relooked at the C.T. scan and advised me that surgery would be a better option since my odontoid was not as stable as they originally thought…I had the odontoid screw fixation surgery which lasted about 4 hrs. They placed me in a vista cervical collar after surgery and told me that I should be able to have it off in 6-8 weeks. I just had my appointment with my neurosurgeon Dr. about 2 weeks ago and to the Lord glory the Dr. told me that he can’t see the fracture on the odontoid anymore and on c5&6, he also told me that everything looks to be healing correctly. He recommend that I wear the collar for about another month to make sure that the bone fortifies stronger. I asked him if the pins site on where they placed the halo will come back to normal feeling because now they feel a little numb especially the ones in the front of my head. He advised me that it will take about 6 months to completely heal from the numbness and about a year for the scarring to be almost unnoticeable, he also advised me that plastic surgery might be a option if I would like to take after a year if the scares still bother me; he advised me that it is cosmetical surgery and I would have to pay for it out of pocket. I have done research online and found out that the surgery would run in the thousands, I will wait a year and see how the scares turn out then I will decide. Moreover, I’m going on week 10 and I’m still feeling really strung at times with this collar and situation, the accident wasn’t even my fault, some guy blew through a red light and cut in front of me, I didn’t even have time to hit the brakes. I am trying to keep a positive attitude but everybody around me thinks that I should be so happy that I am not paralyzed, they are right but I would be happier if the accident hadn’t even accrued. I wish people would understand I keep replaying that day in my head and I am trying to make since of the answer as in WHY… I know everything happens for a reason and I know I can’t change a single thing but moreover I keep my head up (I have to, I got no other choice with this collar on… lol) and try not to get too depressed. I find that friends and family and this site and others keep me in positive sprits and when I read that other are working through their healing as well, it cheers me up some. I was sleeping on my back until two weeks ago until the doctor told me that it’s ok to sleep on my side. My neck has gotten so skinny since I haven’t moved it in 10 weeks; I have a feeling that physical therapy might be painful until I regain my muscles back in my neck. I just want to say that God bless all of you that can still be able to write and post your situations and feelings toward having something so dramatic happen to you. I know that your posts have keep me going when I thought I was about to lose it to the lack of actively and seeing the world pass me by from the couch. I sincerely want to say that I know I might sound a bit frustrated/flustered (that is because I am) but please stay focused and keep your faith in the Lord and keep moving forward with positive thoughts as I am trying to accomplish myself. I rarely feel so much pain these days and I am only taking about a pill and a half of Norco throughout the day (or should a say mid day and through the night, since I have become an insomniac since the accident) I feel as the worst is behind me and I want to encourage others if I can, I know how you feel so hang in their and I will keep trying to hang in their myself. I have put on some weight but I read on a post on here that don’t deprive your body of nutrients during the healing process, I also want to add that I have taken calcium pills (vitamin D with magnesium). And the only answer as to WHY I have come up these past 10 weeks is that, we aren’t lucky we are just survivors and being a survivors takes determination and guts. I would rather be a person of strong character then some person that got lucky, everybody could get lucky but only the Lord helps build character and strength and only the strong survive

  • Smokey

    I was caught in a wave body surfing in Florida last Sat. – tossed about and landed hard on my head. I fractured my C1. I don’t see another reference to just C1, but wow, so many stories. I agree with everyone that it is so nice to know I am not alone. I am 62 so maybe I am in a different boat, but luckily I am in good shape and exercise everyday. I especially liked the references to exercise from Rob.
    My questions are what movements are you all making with a neck brace on? How do you lie down, what position do you adopt to rest your neck, how do you find out what exercises to do and at what week? I am finding lying down is not that easy. Do you squat to pick something up? Do you lean over while keeping your head straight? So many questions.
    Thanks for all the information!

  • My sister broke her c2 in a car accident on May 26 2013. She had surgery five days afterwards. They fused something together and put two rods in her neck she also has a collapsed lung . She can’t move her arms or hands but she can move her legs and they must hurt her bad cause she is always yelling for pain meds. I was wondering if all of this is normal. I haven’t been able to get up to see her yet. We have many miles in between us. I plan on going to see her as soon as I can. Reading all of what people have wrote makes me feel a little better and when she gets feeling better she will need to read them all too so she doesn’t feel so alone. I think this site will be uplifting for her for she will be in the hospital for a long time according to the doctors.

  • Anthony

    On april 27th for my senior prom i fractured my c5 c6 c7 in my neck, im currently in a halo with plates and screws in my neck. I have some problems but i can walk and move all my limbs. just wondering if anyone else has broken these? and what are your problems?

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