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Mom’s Day 5K

I was a little disappointed with my time this morning –19:51 — until I checked the results and found I was 57 out of 1,981. (54 out of 926 men … only three of 1,055 women beat me, although that’s probably because most of the fast chicks were running a women’s-only half-marathon).

Splits were 6:29, 6:14, 6:28.

In New Hampshire, I’d regularly run a 19:20 or 19:30 5K (18:54 PR), hence the early disappointment. But now I’m thinking that yeah, it was indeed a real hilly course.

I hadn’t even planned on racing this morning, but a non-runner friend called me Friday and asked if I’d like to run a 5K with him. Well, of course I’ll do anything I can to get my friends to the sport, so I said yes. But then he bailed on me with a basketball injury! Oh well, it got me out of bed…

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