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I found it hard to push myself again yesterday morning, but rather than turn to a treadmill on such nice evening, I opted for a run with the HoHas. I have been running on my lonesome for about four years now, since I usually work until 8 p.m. on weekdays, and most running clubs run at 7:30. But the Hohas have a Tuesday night run at 8:10 — I ducked out of work a little early and met up with them.

Alas, their Tuesday night run is only 2 1/2 miles. I was the second-fasted runner, but the guy ahead of me was ahead by a lot. Afterwards most everyone headed over to a bar. They seemed like a fun little group … but on the other hand, does it do me much good to run for just 17 minutes? (6:48 pace) Especially followed by several beers.

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