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I don’t think I’ve ever really filled my readers in on my grand plan … the master plan. The master running plan.

It’s a 3:10:59 marathon, a 7:17-minute-per-mile pace, fast enough to qualify for Boston. That’s been my goal for awhile now.

Aside from the Olympics, Boston in the only marathon of note with a qualifying time. And growing up in Massachusetts — it’s a major, major event. It’s a state holiday! (Well, officially the holiday is Patriot’s Day. But it’s really Marathon Monday).

I’ve run Boston before — but always as an unofficial, “bandit” runner. It’s not the same. I never take one of the medals they’re handing out.

I’ve been trying to come quality for awhile now. In the 2000 Chicago Marathon I came closest — a 3:18:11 — and then gave up hard training for awhile.

But I’m back, and I’m determined.

I want that jacket.

So that’s the goal — the plan (and I’m not saying it’s a good one) is just to train and train and train until I’m ready to run a 3:10. I figure the best test is when I’m able to run a 1:30 half-marathon. (PR: 1:31:11) Then I’ll run a small, flat, runner-friendly marathon. I’m registered for New York, but that’s more of a back-up at this stage.

Have a half-marathon Saturday, but certainly don’t figure on running a 1:30. In March, I ran a 1:41:15 1/2 … and I’ve actually run 13 half-marathons in the nearly five years I’ve lived in New York — my fastest was 1:38:54, in 2001. I’d like to think I can better that.

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