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too funny

“If the news is going to be talking about Nixon they bettah mean Trot effin’ Nixon … Know what I’m sayin’?”

trot nixon

P.S. That Soxaholix cartoon I’m quoting from above actually has a great new word — awesometastic! (Well, new to me, anyway. I plan to use it as often as possible, and sneak it into one of my stories).

2 comments to too funny

  • nancy

    Okay, how is it that we’ve known who Deep Throat is for over 24 hours now and you still haven’t written about it?


  • I didn’t really have anything original to say, so I linked to that funny Soxaholix cartoon. I mean, obviously, as a journo, I was fascinated to find out who it was. And a little disappointing that this lionized source may have had all-too-human motivations. (possible axe to grind over not being named FBI director). But maybe that’s how it works in the real world?

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