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Joe Duncan’s blog

So convicted child rapist Joe Duncan, suspected in the beating deaths of the Groene family of Idaho, kept a blog. He was arrested Saturday eating at Denny’s with 8-year-old Shasta Groene, who may turn out to be the only surviving member of her household.

Some of the chilling excerpts:

I am scared, alone, and confused, and my reaction is to strike out toward the perceived source of my misery, society. My intent is to harm society as much as I can, then die. As for the “Happy Joe” (Jet), well he was just a dream. The bogeyman was alive and happy long before Happy Joe. I was in prison for over 18 years, since the age of 17 [for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old boy at gunpoint and burning him with cigarettes]. As an adult all I knew was the oppression of incarceration. All those years I dreamed of getting out…And getting even. Instead, I got out and I got even, but did not get caught. So, I got even again, and again did not get caught. So, I figured, well, I got even twice (actually more, but that’s here nor there), even if I’m the only one who knows, so now what? Well that was when the “Happy Joe” dream started. I met a bunch of really great people, the kind of people I didn’t even know existed, but here they were, bunches of them, my neighbors, my landlords, my professors, my coworkers, and they were all good people, who were willing to give me a chance despite my past. They were willing to accept me and be my friend, something that was new for me, having been betrayed by many “friends” and even my own family.

So, I tried to make it work. But the problem was those demons. The ones who “got even” for me. They kept reminding me that if my new “friends” knew about them (and what they, I, had done to even), then so much for their friendship. So, “Happy Joe” was just dreaming, or pretending to be happy.

Also, here:

So, I’ve been accused of molesting a little boy. Those close to me know I didn’t do it of course, how could I, I’m not even a pedophile. Well, I’m not a psychopath either, I feel the full force and pain of everyone I have ever hurt, but that doesn’t stop me from doing what I need to do. Ultimately my feelings don’t matter, I learned that in prison. I have to carry out my orders or a lot worse than just me dying could happen.

At first glance, it looks like he’s denying molesting the kid … but I don’t know if that’s what he’s truly saying. People close to him “know” he didn’t do it, but he never actually denies it, and admits badly hurting people. Duncan says he has to “carry out my orders” — are these from the “demons” he mentions here?

A creepy look into the mind of a molester.

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