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A 48-year-old reporter with the Times Leader in Pennsylvania was arrested Sunday after arranging to someone he thought was a 13-year-old girl he met over the Internet. (In reality an undercover cop, of course — when will these people ever learn??).

The Times Leader has a jailhouse interview with him here:

In a conversation on March 10, he asked the officer if she would like “to be tied up and see what it is like.” Later in the conversation, the officer told Sembrat she was a softball player, and Sembrat replied that he would “love to tie (her) up while she was wearing her softball uniform.”

In another conversation on June 1, he asked her “how do you feel about being gagged as well as tied up?”

The affidavit also says Sembrat at times used a different screen name, dani090990@aol.com to pose as a 14-year-old girl who likes to be tied up.

Police searched Sembrat’s car following his arrest and recovered a digital camera, condoms, various ropes, duct tape, numerous bondage photos and pictures of females. Sembrat admitted he was going to use the items on the teenager he thought he was meeting, police said.

“I had rope and duct tape,” Sembrat told the Times Leader from jail. He paused then added, “for bondage. That’s the kind of stuff that’s running around in my head.”

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