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anonymous comments

Mark makes a point here about anonymous comments, that they’re a bit of a turn-off. “It … places a limit on interactivity: I’m looking above and seeing two anonymous people and I’d like to know who they are. Comments serve you but they are also a place for your commenters to interact.”

I think he’s right. And I think a lot of people do mean to sign their comments, but just forget. So from now on I’m forcing everyone to register before they can post comments. Let me know if this is a hassle and I’ll reconsider. Obviously, you can pick whatever name/handle you want … and I guess if you really want you can have more than one.

UPDATE: Okay, I’ve figured out what was going on. It’s sorta a bug in WordPress … there was a “blank user” registered with the system, so people weren’t being queried for their name and email. Now if you want to post a comment, you’ll at least be asked to give a name or “handle.”

4 comments to anonymous comments

  • Mark should mind his business.

  • Ouch “thisSucks”? I was expressing an OPINION? Have a nice day.

    Anyway, I appreciate this Derek and have no problem if the majority express an alternate opinion and you decide to put things back the way they were.

  • no, things are going to stay this way.

    ThisSucks, why are you so angry??

  • scary

    Glaxo is just a marketing hand
    so who sold that vacc to the whole world carrying seeds of the next pandemic?
    What state, what monster?
    When failed, getting away to try again?
    Like Oklahoma
    your comment must be approved by
    OH YEAH?
    guess where all the internet monitoring flows to and you guessed where that vaccine maker sits
    According to a list compiled by Dr. Patricia Doyle at rense.com, a host of strange ingredients are used to make up Hoffman-La Roche’s anti-flu drug Tamiflu, which has recently been connected with bizarre behavior,
    Patients using Tamiflu — which many nations are stocking up on as a way to combat a possible pandemic of the deadly H5N1 bird flu — reported delirium, hallucinations, delusions, convulsions, disturbed consciousness and abnormal behavior. The FDA reports that side effects reported with Tamiflu include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bronchitis, stomach pain, dizziness and headache.

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