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soooo exhausted

So did a 1:38:38 at Grete’s Great Gallup half-marathon this morning (7:31 pace). That is not quite as good as the 1:36:57 I did at the Queen’s Half-Marathon back in May, but then I didn’t run an easy six miles beforehand, as I did today. Running a Central Park loop prior to the race definitely gave me a different perspective on things!

I did struggle a wee bit in the last few miles (8:00 pace for mile 12). As I had passed the starting line nine-time NYC marathon champion Grete Weitz was cheering us on, and I high-fived her. Well, I tried to anyway. She was on a platform, I was running, and didn’t really see her until I’d almost passed her. So our hands mostly missed, with my index finger just brushing her hand. At the 10 mile mark to motivate myself I imagined I had absorbed a little bit of her power. I imagined it flowing down my finger and into my legs … (and hey, if that sounds silly to you, you need to be pushing yourself more fitness-wise).

As for the Sox, yeah I’m disappointed, but whatever. It looks like we’ll make the playoffs … and if Schilling can’t beat Wright and a buncha scrubs, we don’t deserve to be there anyway.

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