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mardi gras marathon

Before the race I heard some runners talking about this — the Mardi Gras Marathon, to be held Feb. 5, 2006 in New Orleans.

This year’s event scheduled for Sunday, February 5, 2006 will be the first major sporting event back in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina brought the Crescent City to its knees on that dark Monday morning in August.

Premier Event Management, the marathon’s production team, as well as the New Orleans Track Club, owners of the Mardi Gras Marathon, are excited about this opportunity to give something back to the city that has given so much to our lives and the lives of our children. “The city of New Orleans with its famous coffee and beignets, Jazz Music and beautiful architecture will be back like never before”, states race director Bill Burke a native of New Orleans for the last 49 years. “New Orleans has been called the city that care forgot! But we will never forget this city, its culture, its people or its place in the fabric of this country. Through the running of this event we hope to show the world that the Big Easy is Back.” ….

Currently, Premier Event Management is working with both state and local tourism and police officials on the 2006 race course, host hotels and post event party area. “We understand fully the logistical issues we face for 2006, but at the same time we recognize we have an opportunity to make a real difference in the rebirth of this city and its tourism industry with the running of this marathon.”

Generally I’m a little skeptical about how much one person can do to help in these mass disasters like Katrina and 9/11, unless you’re at the right place at the right time. (I just remember all the blood being thrown out after 9/11, and piles of donated items sitting unused). But this seems like an awesome way to show support. Dunno if it’ll fit on my schedule though … one marathon at a time.

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