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the hunt continues

So it turns out my backup apartment is more than $200/mo. than the broker had originally told me … there was apparently some mixup by the listing agent. I’m no longer interested, as even at the lower price I thought it was inferior to the West 46th St. pad. The broker actually sent me a very nice note apologizing. But she doesn’t know what the story is on the West 46th St. place.

Today I looked at a one bedroom on West 50th between 10th and 11th. (Here’s the Craigslist ad). It seems very nice. Third floor walkup. The only thing I’m concerned about is, it faces the street and there might be loud buses driving by from the West Side Highway. I’m considering putting a deposit on it, though. Will have to act today.

(Am I crazy to considering holding out for the West 46th St. studio? It’s charming: exposed brick, skylight, courtyard, working fireplace, tree-lined street. But here’s a slightly cheaper one-bedroom. Grrr.)

west 50th st.kitchenbedroom

1 comment to the hunt continues

  • oh man…the apartment hunt-I know how tough it can be. though for me, buying isn’t even on the radar screen right now, i’ve been sporatically (sp?) looking at craigslist rentals and seeing what’s available now for what i currently pay…and thinking i want to stay put for awhile!! good luck to you-hope the 46th st one winds up working out!!

    looks like the author of the 50th/10th pad deleted his craigslist posting though :-\

    thanks for stopping by my blog, BTW!! 🙂

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