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Waiting for royalty (or royally waiting

Oh yes the glamorous life of a reporter… Hanging out in the financial district with three hours to kill waiting for Prince Charles and Dutchess Camilla

1 comment to Waiting for royalty (or royally waiting

  • GWB

    Dreaming of the Queen
    Visiting for tea
    You and her and I
    And Lady Di

    The Queen said: “I’m aghast
    Love never seems to last
    However hard you try”
    And Di replied

    That there are no more lovers left alive
    No one has survived
    So there are no more lovers left alive
    And that’s why love has died
    Yes, it’s true
    Look, it’s happened to me and you

    Then carriages arrived
    We stood and said goodbye
    Diana dried her eyes
    And looked surprised

    For I was in the nude
    The old Queen disapproved
    But people laughed and asked
    For autographs

    And there were no more lovers left alive
    No one had survived
    So there were no more lovers left alive
    And that’s why love had died
    Yes, it’s true
    Look, it’s happened to me and you

    I woke up in a sweat

    For there were no more lovers left alive
    No one had survived
    So there were no more lovers left alive
    And that’s why love had died
    Yes, it’s true
    Look, it’s happened to me and you

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