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analyzing what went wrong

Here are my splits:
9:19, 6:44, 7:36, 7:44, 7:31, 7:51
7:48, 8:05, 8:00, 7:46, 8:12, 7:47
8:10, 8:19*, 8:19*, 8:30, 7:55, 8:25*
8:25*, 9:12, 9:22, 9:43, 10:54, 11:02
12:43, 2:39 (?), 15:40 (?)

Keep in mind the second mile is really fast, down the Verazzano Bridge. (And I’m a great downhill runner — sucky uphill though. I think it’s because I have a long stride and am kinda a bouncy runner). I somehow messed up calculating the last two splits, but they were pretty slow. (The asterisked splits are the average of two miles)

Anyway, so basically I did stick to the plan, more or less, which was to run 7:45s for the start of the race. So I’m not going to beat myself up too much for my race-day tactics. I mean, I thought based on my 1:36 Staten Island half-marathon time, that a 3:25 marathon was a reasonable goal. And I did put in plenty of 20 mile runs — nothing longer than that though. Basically I think where I went wrong was just not putting in long enough runs during the week. And even if I had run a 3:25 marathon … is that my goal? Is that what I want? No it is not. That is something I’ve already accomplished, in fact. The goal is still a B.Q. 3:10. I need to really step up my weekly mileage if I’m ever going to get there. I think I will try for 70 mile weeks over the winter.

1 comment to analyzing what went wrong

  • Evan

    so since the snow has started falling and I haven’t been able to hike, I have been doing some running on the treadmill at the gym… actually I’m not supposed to be running or doing anything high impact yet, it is kind of hard on my neck, but geez, I am pretty happy when I can do 4 or 5 miles at 7:45. I guess I’m not much good at long distance. Maybe you can come back up to Aspen and do some high altitude training…

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