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‘What guys find sexy in gals’

Via IJC, I found this story (scroll down) in my own paper that I had previously missed:

What makes women attractive to men?

Who doesn’t have a theory on this one? Psychologist David Buss offered one in “The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating)” (Basic Books, 1995). He argues that men all over the world are most attracted to women who show signs of robust fertility. This includes health, youth, beauty, clear skin, luxuriant hair and, most importantly of all, an hourglass figure with the proper waist-to-hip ratio (WHR).

More precisely, men like women with a WHR (waist size divided by hip size) of 0.7. Evolutionary psychologists argue that this ratio, which means the waist is 30% smaller than the hips, reflects a combination of elements indicating maximum fertility. A ratio of above this (an overweight woman, say 0.85 WHR) puts the female at risk of a number of physiological disorders and lessens her chance of conceiving. A ratio below this (an underweight woman, say 0.45 WHR) puts her at risk of being unable to conceive, carry a baby through pregnancy or keep the baby alive afterwards.

In 2002, Martin Tovee and colleagues in biological psychology at Newcastle University in the U.K. modified Buss’ theory. In a paper published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, the Tovee team argues that WHR is indeed a key to women’s attractiveness to men. But they claim it is not just the shape of the waist and hips, but also her overall body mass index (BMI) that really turns men on.

They write, “BMI is even more critical, accounting for 75% of body attractiveness.” Thus, the size and proportion of a woman’s breasts, legs, and so forth are important, too. The right BMI maximizes men’s perceptions of a woman’s fertility. The perfect “10” is in fact the perfect BMI.

The IJC profers his own ratio that I won’t repeat here…

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