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uptown slaying

So I was out in the cold last night interviewing neighbors about this murder of topless dancer Catherine Woods. I guess two of those neighbors are bloggers This Fish (who lives in her building) and Uptown Girl, but I saw neither of them last night. I did encounter this cute little puppy though.

It was actually a very busy day yesterday: there was also this story about a Queens grandmother gunned down in Birmingham, this story about girls as young as eight and nine developing anorexia (rewrite of Newsweek cover story), as well as this story about travel safety tips.

2 comments to uptown slaying

  • William Scott

    It would be interesting to know if she had a blog site. If she had a computer it is likely the she had a blog.

  • Yeah, the anorexia story was news about… eight to ten years ago, when warnings were passed around the elementary schools about it. It might be a bigger PROBLEM now, but it sure ain’t NEWs.

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