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katrina pets

I can’t find my story on Katrina pets being put up for adoption on my paper’s website, but it made the KRT wire and is on some other papers’ sites.

Adoptions to begin for pets rescued during Hurricane Katrina
New York Daily News
NEW YORK — Time is running out for reunions between thousands of rescued Hurricane Katrina pets and their owners, as shelters will begin putting the animals up for adoption.
Up to 10,000 or more pets may still be in shelters or foster homes across the country, waiting for their owners to claim them.
“The time is definitely running out,” said Petfinder.com President Betsy Saul. “It’s not necessarily running out for the pets — everyone wants to adopt a Katrina pet — but it’s running out for the reunions.”

1 comment to katrina pets

  • I volunteered in NOLA working w/an animal rescue and recovery group and experienced only three reunions. Even when owners were found, often times they simply weren’t in a position to be reunited with their pet.

    I, myself, brought an abandoned bunny back home to NYC after her owner was contacted and surrendered her.

    Thank you so much for covering this story.

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