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jewish chicks

When I saw my old friend Matt the other day, one of the things that came up was the Jewish chicas. Both of us went to the same small high school in the same tiny Massachusetts city where we knew, like, zero Jewish people. (My favourite English teacher was Jewish, but none of our classmates).

Since moving to New York, though, of course that has changed. I would say about half the girls I’ve dated have been Jewish, including S. (And it seems like that 70% of the blogs I read are by Jewish folks). Matt says he has a “strange physical attraction” for Jewish girls that he can’t quite explain, and sometimes his friends tease him about having a “thing” for them.

matzo ball soupI would not say that I have a “thing” for Jewish girls, however. I guess if all other things were equal, I would prefer to date a girl who would celebrate Christmas with me. But in the grand scheme of things, that is not at all important … probably like No. 946 or so on the list of things I want in a girlfriend.

And I’ve found often, all other things aren’t equal. It seems like this city is teeming with smart, attractive, kind, sweet, successful, sexually liberated and yet amazingly still single Jewish girls. Girls who care about the world, not just their small corner of it, and who seem just a teensy bit exotic to me.

With all that going on, it’s easy to not worry about cultural things still I don’t quite understand, like the whole calling-your-mom-multiple-times-a-day thing. (Sorry Mom … but gosh, when I was a teenager I couldn’t wait to be independent of the parentals…)

jdateThe real problem with dating the Jewish women is that sometimes they seem to care more about the whole Jew/non-Jew thing a lot more than I do. One of my guy friends told me, discussing this topic with him, that every time he hears a Jewish girl talking about how she wants to date Jewish guys it “wounds” him. A couple years ago, I briefly dated this randy young lass who was quite willing to fool around with me, but was very clear she planned to accede to her parents wishes that she marry a Jewish guy. Ouch! (That’s okay though, it probably wouldn’t have worked on my end either: she was a smoker).

I can certainly understand why someone for whom religion is important just wanting to date within their religion … but often these are girls don’t go to synagogue and really aren’t religious. So I don’t quite understand it. Bex explained that even “Cream cheese & Lox” Jews are concerned about the survival of their people, etc.

I guess from my perspective — I’m an atheist mutt and very much an individualist; can’t really imagine a group being that important to me that I’m willing to alter who I date. The whole concept of ethnic pride just really isn’t my thing at all, it kinda turns me off in fact. I’m more of a John Lennon type of guy.

But to each their own. Thankfully, for my sake, there are a lot of Jewish girls who don’t really care about this. I certainly never got the feeling S. wanted me to be Jewish, or that her parents did.

141 comments to jewish chicks

  • Gil

    I think you’ve missed the point if you ask whether the Christian religion has “really” been to blame… its like you are not living in the real world to ask such a thing. YES it has really been to blame and not “individuals”… wow amazing that anyone could live in such denial.

    Christianity has single handedly destroyed the lives of millions of people around the world who refused to convert. Particularly Jews over the past millenia. Modern day Christianity which still has extreme tenets that seek to convert using underhanded and lubricious techniques, ie: Jews For Jesus to name but one, has much to answer for.

    Wake up and smell the coffee Derek. Realise that Christianity is not just about Christmas only and that its dark and evil past continues even today. Christianity has and continues to cause pain – with or without Christmas.

  • “Wow amazing that anyone could live in such denial.” C’mon Gil there are like 2.1 billion Christians out there, you need to get out more if you’re surprised that “anyone” out there could have a less than malvolent view of Christianity.

    Christianity is just a set of beliefs, and beliefs by definition can’t persecute anyone. You couldn’t even call modern-day Christianity a movement, it’s too diffuse. The Baptists and the Unitarians don’t really have much in common; nor do the Quakers and the Roman Catholics.

    I don’t really care about Jews for Jesus, as long as people aren’t converting others at knifepoint it’s really not my business. I know Jews find it very offensive, but I’m not Jewish. I find it annoying when Jehovah’s Witnesses of whatever try to convert me, but it’s certainly not a moral issue; they have every right to peacefully practice their religion.

    And even then you’re judging a huge massive religion by one tiny fringe fraction. It’s like looking at the Lubavitchers and making sweeping judgments about Judiasm. If Jews for Jesus is the best example you have of how modern-day Christianity is “evil” then you’re really really reaching.

    Did I mention that my late grandfather was a Presbyterian minister in New Zealand? Or that my uncle is right now? Here’s the website to his church.

  • Gil

    Derek, Christianity has a long history of persecuting Jews. Christians may choose to conveniently ignore it, but Jews don’t. The fact that it happens hardly at all now in 2006 does not mean that it has not happened throughout the modern history of Christianity.

    Derek, what right do Christians have to faithfully refer to their beliefs of Christianity which occured at the same time that they were persecuting Jews, if they are unwilling to achknowledge the fact that their religion at that time was evil.

    For example the hym “onward Christian soldiers marching on to war”… this refer to the Crusaders who murdered hundreds of thousands of Jews as they slashed their way through Europe to Jerusalem. But according to you, thats OK. Its OK to sing about it now and tinker around on the old piano with a nice sing song.

    Christianity was evil at that time. That’s the roots of it.

    Its like saying that Islam doesn’t persecute Christians. For example would you agree with that statement? Oh I forgot all part of the laid back John Lennon vibe… live and let live with a strong hint of denial thrown in for good measure?

  • Dude, Christianity is a religion, a set of beliefs. (Or really just one belief: the divinity of Jesus Christ.) Beliefs can’t kill anyone or be good or evil. People can be good or evil, actions can be good or evil — but beliefs are just beliefs.

    If you want to argue that the Catholic Church (an organization) has an evil history because of the Crusades, that is one thing. I think most Catholics would agree with you there. But what’s the Church of Scotland’s responsibility for the Crusades, or the Lutherans’ responsibility? Well, gosh, those religions didn’t exist back then.

    Maybe to an outsider, you look at Christianity and just see “Christian Christian Christian.” But all the denominations are all very different, with their own histories and beliefs.

    In the same vein, of course Islam does not persecute Christians. It can’t. It’s just a religion. There might be Islamic people and governments out there persecuting Christians, though.

    Also, I think you are wrong about Rev. Sa­bine Bar­ing-Gould’s hymn. He wrote it in 1864 for procession of schoolchildren. The soldiers are a Biblical metaphor.

    P.S. I also did a little google research on your Jewish boxers … I think it was really just a way out of the ghetto for a lot of them. I’m sure Jews faced discrimination in the U.S. in the 1900s-’45, but I’m not convinced it was more than any other immigrant group like the Irish or Chinese, and certainly nothing like what went on with the blacks. Obv. Europe is a different story.

  • Gil

    Derek that’s very churlish of you to take me so literally. When I refer to Christianity, I obviously refer to it in the context of the past messages on this thread. Any fool can see that.

    The above notwithstanding, in fact “Christianity” is defined in modern English as “A Group” and “the state or fact of being a Christian”. Therefore, I’m perfectly correct to refer to Christianity as persecuting Jews or Islam persecuting Christians. The correct meaning translating as Christians “as a group” persecute Jews or Moslems “as a group”.

    I’m not here to debate whether various tentacles of Christianity did or didn’t persecute Jews. I couldn’t give a crap about the Church of Scotland. In fact, I wouldn’t piss on the Church of Scotland if it was on fire. Its got nothing to do with my statement that in general Christianity is liable and responsible for the deaths, torture and enforced conversion of millions of Jews throughout Europe. This is a simple fact which you choose to deny but just because you deny it, that doesn’t make it false.

    Concerning Onward Christian Soldiers, allow me to paste this article which sums it up;


    Hugh Fogelman

    All Christian songs (hymns) that tell of the “Soldiers of the Cross” have very catchy melodies and are church favorites. Unfortunately, Christians singing them do not realize the meaning or history behind these songs. If only church theologians would tell their congregations the real story, perhaps the horror of these songs would show through

    The meanings are plain and simple; they honor Jesus’ soldiers who killed all who did not accept Jesus as their “savior;” the infidels. And just who were these “infidels?” The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines infidel as:

    1. One who is not a Christian or who opposes Christianity
    2. An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion

    3. A disbeliever in something specified or understood

    So, Christian theologians, working hand-in-hand with reining monarchs, required that “infidels” had to die for Jesus’ name. Nice religion! Is Christianity, a religion of LOVE? Sure, ask any Christian. However, when historical facts of 2,000 years are laid bare, it is quite the opposite ― Christianity is a religion steeped in blood, slaughter and pillage!

    One particular song is so offensive to Jews; and should be to all Christians, if only they would stop and think about what they are really singing. Let’s take a look at some words to this song, “Onward, Christians Soldiers.”

    “Onward, Christians Soldiers” marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus going on before!

    Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe; forward into battle. See His banners go!”

    Shmuel Golding, Director of the Jerusalem Institute of Biblical Polemics, said that this hymn “… explains fully the evangelical aim to conquer the world through their doctrines. Jews should be warned by these words and chilled by the ghostly echo of distant crusades.” He further stated “this is just one hymn that speaks of a united militant church. There are hundreds of others.”1

    Throughout history, whenever Jews saw the “cross” coming, they hid (if they could) because they knew it meant DEATH!

    “Onward, Christians Soldiers” was adopted from the themes of Christian Crusades. The Crusaders came to liberate the Holy Land from the “infidels” and woe to any Jews who stood in their way. To our Western minds, reared on the Hollywood version of so much history, the Crusades mean noble knights rescuing damsels in distress. What a lie! Now, it is true that there were knights; there were kings; there was a chivalric ideal and King Richard the Lionhearted, a Crusade leader, (who was one of the worst kings ever, for England) was definitely a macho warrior. However, that is pretty much where truth and historical fiction part ways.

    The Christian mobs (Crusaders) sharpened their battle skills on Jewish villages on their way to the Holy Land. The Crusades turned into campaigns of slaughter, rape, and pillage! Woe to the poor Jews in their way. Indeed, the Crusades marked the first large-scale mob violence directed against Jews. Unfortunately, this became the pattern for the next hundreds of years. The later pogroms were just a repeat of this crusade idea.

    Between the 11th through the 13th centuries there were ten Crusades which wound up wiping out 30 to 50 percent of the Jewish community in Europe. The Crusaders’ mobs slaughtered at least 10,000 European Jews ― children, women and men ― of an estimated population of about 20,000-30,000. There is an historical account from Ibn Al Kalanisi, the Moslem chronicler, describing Christian hair-raising behavior of unnecessary brutality. Further, after the Christian Crusaders entered Jerusalem, they surrounded the poor Jews huddled together in synagogues and burned them alive, singing the themes of popular song of today’s churches, i.e. “This is the day the Lord has made.” [Note: The Crusaders’ cry of “Hep! Hep!” originated at this time. It was an acronym for the Latin of “Jerusalem Has Fallen.” Eventually it became know as “Hip, Hip, Hooray!” ― a cheer that Jews never use.]

    Other Christian death songs in one Christian Hymnal, under the section of “Spiritual Warfare” # 476 and in the index for Hymns, page 712 are:

    1. I am a Soldier of the Cross

    2. Am I a Soldier of the Cross?

    3. Stand up, Stand Up for Jesus, Ye Soldiers of the Cross

    4. Soldiers of Christ, Arise

    5. Lead on, O King Eternal

    6. The Battle Belongs to the Lord

    7. Faith is the Victory…Ye Christian Soldiers

    8. Battle Hymn of the Republic

    Just to name a few.

    A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, … Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. (Matthew 7:18, 20 King James Version)

    This Crusade heritage, the heritage of “Onward, Christians Soldiers,” is certainly nothing to sing about! Instead of singing, Christians should hang their heads in shame, crying rivers of tears to wash the blood away; the very blood of innocent Jewish children, women and men that was demanded and preached from the Christian pulpits of their evil past.


    1. Millennium Fever, p 108, Shmuel Golding, Director of the Jerusalem Institute of Biblical Polemics

  • Gil

    Concerning Jewish boxers, I was merely using them as an example to reinforce my explanation of how Jews have been persecuted by Christians (ie: the fact that Jews were forced into particular roles due to social and business exclusion by Christians).

    You may well be right that Jews in the USA were not as persecuted as Blacks for example but in fact, I never specified Jewish boxers as being limited to the USA only. Jewish boxers also dominated the British heavy weight boxing divisions at the same time (early 1900s) and have been much celebrated namely the famous Jewish boxer from the East End of London Jack ‘Kid’ Berg (born Judah Bergman).

  • But Christianity isn’t a group. Where is the group headquarters? Who are its leaders?

    Are (small-d) democrats a group? Or is that just a term to describe people with a certain belief?

    It might have made sense to talk about “Christianity” and “Christendom” as a group back around the 11th Century, when there wasn’t much alternative to the Catholic Church. But today “Christianity” is a collection of dozens and dozens of different groups.

    You can say that “Christians” have persecuted millions of Jews, sure, that is a true statement. You could also say that “Asians” murdered tens of thousands at the Rape of Nanking, that’s also a true statement. Hell, it’s also true that “monotheists” have persecuted Jews.

    Basically as my friend Alexis points out, “Christian” (like “Asian”) is a reductive term. It’s not really useful, unless you want to lump a lot of people with very diverse beliefs and history into one category. But the Episopalian Church is very different from, say, the Inquisition-era Catholic Church.

    Your statement about the Church of Scotland goes to my point: you basically hate Christians. Which is fine, you have every right to hold any attitude you want about Christians and Christianity. Just don’t claim to believe in religious tolerance at the same time.

    I don’t really believe that Shmuel Golding, “Director of the Jerusalem Institute of Biblical Polemics”, really knows what he’s talking about. The hymn doesn’t even mention “infidels.” There’s no source material, no evidence that Sabine Baring-Gould was referring to the Crusades. It’s a militaristic hymn, obviously, but like I said the idea of being a “Christian soldier” is a Biblical metaphor that predates the Crusades.

    I wouldn’t disagree that Jews were forced into particular roles in the U.S., but not moreso than any other immigrant group.

  • P.S. It’s hilarious that the Civil war song “Battle Hymn of the Republic” is listed as a “Christian death song.” How friggin’ ignorant — and full of hatred for all things Christian — is Hugh Fogelman?

  • Gil

    Its hilarious that you once again have your head deeply buried in the sand. The definition of Christians AS A GROUP comes from modern English dictionaries go and look it up.

    The meaning of Christianity is a group of people not a set of frigging religious beliefs. Get that into your thick skull.

    Concerning the boxers, I’m not talking about the USA specifically (do you ever internalise / comprehend the things you read?). I only referenced the US because you live there.

  • Gil

    Admit it Christians persecuted Jews terribly. The only reason you have an issue about Jewish Chicks is because deep in your heart you feel guilty about that.

  • good god derek stop engaging with this ridiculous troll. he’s going in circles looking for reasons to insult people, as all trolls with no life do.

  • Admit it Christians persecuted Jews terribly. The only reason you have an issue about Jewish Chicks is because deep in your heart you feel guilty about that.

    Haha …is this a joke? I actually think you are kinda serious here, that you do think Christians living today have something to feel guilty about. Yes I will admit that historically Jews have been persecuted terribly by “Christians”, just like “Asians” committed terrible war crimes at the Rape of Nanking.

    But even if I were Christian I would feel zip, zero, nada guilt about it, any more than I feel any guilt about the American Indian massacres. Do you think whites (including Jews!) should feel guilty about slavery? Should the residents of Rome feel guilty about the Roman Empire? Men feel guilty about the historic oppression of women? It’s just ridiculous.

  • Gil

    Yes I will admit that historically Jews have been persecuted terribly by “Christians”,

    OK finally you agree then. Again, you mis-quote me, when did I ever say that today’s Christians should feel guilty? My whole argument here is that Jewish “Chicks” as you refer to them, are perfectly entitled to resent those non-Jewish guys who try and hit on them / force their psuedo-Christian beliefs such as expecting them to celebrate Christmas. Additionally, the symbol of the Christmas tree is offensive to Jews and I know many many New Yorkers (and in London where I grew up) who would back me up on that, just that Jews are sensitive enough not to go around broadcasting it.

    I don’t believe that whites should feel guilty about slavery but I believe that they have a moral duty to acknowledge it and I believe that black people should be compensated for it. Just as today’s Germans have a duty to acknowledge the Holocaust and pay compensation accordingly which they do. I do not deny that Jews were involved in slavery but once again, your clumsily and grossly disproportionate generalisations do not qualify your argument in this case; ie: that Christian persecution of Jews is on par with Jewish involvement in Slavery.

    Cynthia, pleased to meet you. I presume you are confusing me with some guys you met under a bridge one night?

  • I don’t know that I said that Jewish involvement in slavery is on par with Christian persecution of Jews; I don’t think that it is. And I’m glad that you don’t expect people to feel guilty for things that happened way before they were born. I also really don’t want to force Christmas on anyone; I think it’s a beautiful holiday that I celebrate in a nonreligious way but I think you really have to grow up with it for it to have any meaning. However, like I’ve been saying, it offends me that some people are offended by Christmas trees. It’s really insulting to me and my culture.

    However we are going around and around in circles on this and I think have to agree to disagree.

  • Gil

    I genuinely don’t think that you are in touch with yourself enough to see your own blindness. Your statements are riddled with contradictory and grossly out of scale comparisons none of which bear any ressemblance to the accurate version of world history and religion.

    You live in a tragic winter wonderland shopping mall with twinkly Christmas lights and shiney falling snow where the moaning of millions of Jews suffering throughout Christianity is muffled by piped a version of “Onward Christian Soldiers” muzak.

  • themofo

    That may be true, Gil, but Jewish girls still tend to have nice chests and are great in the sack, so I’m with Rose. Please stop posting.

  • Gil

    Yeah fine have fun with Jewish girls, meanwhile us Jewish guys are shagging plenty of Shiksehs, black chicks and whatever other gentile pussy we can find. They love our uncircumcised dicks and “tensy bit” exotic vibe 😉 but that doesn’t mean we would ever marry them, hell no! Hope that doesn’t “wound” them too much.

    Shabbat Shalom mother fuuuuuuuuuuuuckers!!!

  • Gil

    Oops, my bad i mean they love our CIRCUMSCISED dicks!!

  • Gil

    I don’t need luck I’m already doing fine.

  • Ugh. Interesting? How about infuriating. I left a response.

  • mem

    In light of her moralistic stance, it’s not surprising that the guy Annabel Lee is marrying is an active right-winger/young republican type. It’s nice that he leaps to her defense, but it’s naive and illogical to believe that because you agonize over a decision you come to a good and right one.

    You will see his political views if you google Nathan Mintz and Stanford. His blog is http://vastworldwidejewishconspiracy.blogspot.com. He hates gays. His grammar needs some help, but you get the gist. He writes:

    A lot of gays hate being reminded that their lifestyle is not normal, nevermind the fact that they represent a mere 2% of the population and if it every did, the human race would have died out eons ago. Its the equivalent of a Jew walking into a restaurant and being offended because there is pork on the menu, he has no basis by which to do so given the fact that 95% of the population thinks that there is nothing wrong with eating it.

    Heaven forbid someone should promote the nuclear family. I mean, its such a breeding ground for intolerance and depravity after all. Without people with “heteronormative” lifestyles, there wouldn’t be any gay people either. Perhaps its time that someone reminded these activist liberal wackos of that fact.

    So the above is the kind of zealotry you are dealing with, Derek.

  • She’s basically saying that she doesn’t approve of her friend’s marriage to a non-Jew because intermarriage “is slowly destroying our people.” She apparently thinks that Jews have some duty to have Jewish children… but what about Jews who decide not to have kids, are they somehow “bad Jews”? This idea that Jews have some duty to sacrifice their individual happiness for the greater good of Judaism, that seems pretty creepy to me.

  • Monday

    Oh my.

    This just sends me down Memory Lane … my first teenaged (read: hormone-induced) “thought-it-had-to-be-true-love-forever” love was Jewish. I remember one time that we got a little out of control in the back seat of his Dad’s car, he stopped everything to remind me he was Jewish. Not being a gal of faith, I was extremely puzzled. And kind of fascinated, I’ll admit, in an immature way.

    At sixteen, as we sat on the hood of Daddy’s car, readjusting clothes and encouraging normal breathing, he explained to me that although he was nuts about me, he knew he could never finish what he was starting. I remember challenging him during a very profound conversation for two teenagers. You’re breaking up with me because we’re different? Jews must love other Jews, he said … or what the world become? He used that same phrase as the blogger … he said that being involved outside of his faith would surely destroy his people, and he just couldn’t do that. That attitude scared me then, and made the break-up fairly easy as I chalked him up to a lunatic.

    Fast forward 17 years: I saw him at a concert. I was behind him in line for beer, and was eager to get the chance, as the line moved, to chat with him. I saw he had a wedding ring on, and wanted to hear all about Mrs. Jewish. I watched him talking and flirting with a pretty blonde girl, about ten or so years his junior. His wife? Hmmmm. And then, as she turned away for a moment, I watched him discreetly take off his wedding ring and shove it into his pocket. Clearly, he had the potential to destroy his own people quite nicely on his own.

  • Clearly she is taking an extreme position. There’s not a lot of sense in arguing with her. We are all lucky to find someone to love, whether they share our religion or not.

    Monday, you should have busted that guy.

  • Gil

    Derek thinks that everyone should not care about their heritage or religion just bcause he doesn’t. Its selfish beyond belief because personally, I have no problem with Derek being a mixed race guy and enjoying his life in a non-religious, non-belonging kind of way. Just I wish that he would respect my culture and stop trying to insist that Jews should inter-marry or fight our Jewish way of life (ie: the Jewish belief of nurturing the Jewish traditions and culture which depends upon Jews marrying Jews).

    The fact is that my mum converted. You could say that I am “mixed race” in a general kind of way. So I understand completely where Derek is coming from, just that Derek’s family chose not to raise him in any kind of ethnic manner. Derek grew up in a white, unreligious environment unlike myself, I grew up in Jewish environment. I realised in my early teens how hard it is to identify my own background even though I was raised Jewish and therefore belive that mixing outside of one’s faith and culture is not the way forward, especially for Jews (i am not neccessarily saying that all other ethnic groups should not intergrate).

    Derek feels very strongly about this though and interestingly seems to be particularly stuck on those Jews who steadfastedly stick to their beliefs. It reminds me of Romans and Catholics and The Church and later Nazis who all were frustrated by and failed to get between Jews and their beliefs.

  • Oh please Gil. I have never ever tried not to insist people should intermarry. If someone’s religion is important to them, of course it makes sense that they should only marry people of a similar faith — whether that be Catholic, Jewish or whatever. Personally religion is not something I have any use for but whatever, I’ve never tried to impose my beliefs upon anyone.

    I do think it is backward and uncivilized to put your heritage or ethnic identity above our common humanity. That’s just tribal, and I don’t mean that as a compliment.

    And I think that if you do decide to intermarry, you need to be willing to accept and value your partner’s culture. If I married a Jewish woman, for example, I’d certainly be willing to attend seders, have a mezuzah on the front door and a menorah in the house. But I’d also want to have a Christmas tree, a wreath on the front door and for her to attend the odd Christmas dinner where prayers might be said.

    If that is hard to accept, then … just don’t intermarry. You can’t share someone’s life halfway.

  • Gil

    You say that its a religious issue but Judaism and Jewish culture are far beyond just a religion my friend. For example, I am not religious at all but I relate to Jewish culture which is manifest in humour, language, art, science, literature, cuisine and music amongst many others. Its not the same as being Catholic for example there is no such thing as Catholic humour or cuisine…

    Therefore for me, I will only marry a Jewish woman because apart from wanting to continue my valuable Jewish heritage to the next generation, I know that I will relate to her better and she will have someone who understands her traditions and beliefs.

    It is more of a semitic and tribal connection than religious.

  • Ian

    As a young man from Minneapolis who has only seriously dated (2 1/2 years) one girl, a Jew, I have to comment on this discusssion.

    I was raised in a suburb of Minneapolis. St. Louis Park (St. Jewish Park, as urban dictionary references). I was born into a Lutheran family, but living in such a strong Jewish community, I would say I am culturally Jewish. I relate to Jewish humor, art, science, literature, cuisine (all of the elements of culture that Gil has conveniently laid out), and I have participated in Jewish holidays and events around Minnesota.

    When it comes to holidays, I think there is an important distinction– winter holidays all have their religious elements as well as their emotional or cultural elements. While I was dating my ex, we seriously talked about if/when we got married, I would be completely fine with celebrating Jewish holidays. Hell, I was completely willing to convert for her. We both agreed, though, that a Christmas Tree, wreath, lights, etc add such a warmth to a home, and it would be a great thing to have in a home during that snowy, icy time of the year (Minneapolis, keep in mind. Classic winter holiday scenarios are everywhere). Her parents put up a Christmas tree in their living room, not having anything to do with religion at ALL because the way people celebrate it has almost nothing to do with the actual religious aspect of it.

    You don’t know until you celebrate it– it’s about family, community, happiness, and good will to others. In my family and the families of most of my friends, Jesus doesn’t play a big role (or any role) in the celebration.

    Kudos to those of us who can not only accept cultural and religious diversity, but integrate them for a greater good. I find it so hard to hear all of this extremely divisive language relating to Jewish/Christian relations– they’re essentially the same religion with one major difference (if you look at them fundamentally).


  • ariana

    Jewish culture is hardly monolith. Do you mean Hasid? Or conservative? You wanna marry one of them? Or just the free-wheeling reformists? And is it an Ethiopian Jew. Or just one one the funtime white central/eastern European types….. Sheesh Louise.

  • Gil

    Nearly all of the Jews you mentioned share the same beliefs so what’s your point? A Hasid would not marry a Jew that was not Haredi so thats kind of irrelevant (i any case I am ruling out Haredim completely because they live an extreme form of Judaism as you well know).

    Most Ethiopian Jews live in Israel and speak the same language as me; Hebrew. “funtime white central/eastern European” – what is “funtime”?? So I’m not sure exactly your point…

  • Gil I don’t disagree with anything you wrote in either of your comments. I’ll just say it again, there is a difference between valuing one’s ethnicity and culture and putting it above our common humanity.

    But of course if having a shared cultural connection is that important to you, then just marry a Jewish girl! Sheesh. People can date and marry who they want, I’ve never said there is anything wrong with discriminating on this.

    And I do think you are a douche if your comment from back on July 29 is really how you treat women, but whatever, it is your life.

  • Douche doesn’t even cover it. Gil, I am Jewish, and I don’t remember any part of the religion that advocates treating women like shit, bragging about it, using them, and using words like “pussy” and “shabbat shalom mother fuckers.” Guess your mitzvah experience was different from mine.

    You are neither a Jew nor a real man. Therefore, you should not really be dating anyone, much less Jewish women.

    People should marry the person they love and respect forever, and if there are religious and cultural differences, they should weigh whether both parties can understand and respect them. If you are religious, then obviously you will want to date within your religion, but if you’re just nursing a few stereotypes, then you’d better think seriously about them before you end up alone.

    Shabbat shalom, asshole.

  • Gil

    Derek, you have to jump to the moral high ground because you hate to agree with me and the comments I make about Jewish Culture. In future, when you make up characters who post on this site try to use better names than “girl”, wait at least a few hours to post and not “20 minutes” and finally be careful not to make “her” type and spell exactly like yourself.

  • Sorry, Gil, but if you’d look at other areas of the blog you’d see “a girl” has left dozens of comments on all types of topics … look back at this thread on Sept. 28, for example. I don’t even know what “shabbat shalom” means.

    Were you beaten up as a kid for being “not a real Jew,” the son of a convert, is that why you are such a jerk now? Get some therapy man.

  • Gil does need serious help … that’s just obvious. Reading back to his July comment that Derek referenced, makes me want to puke.

    An circumcised dick is hardly exotic when it’s attached to a body with a close-minded, venomous, righteous mind.

    Oh … and Derek … two words that should never be in the same sentence: “Sorry” and “Gil”.

  • Hamptons

    Here’s my conclusion. Gil needs to take a chill pill and go on J-Date and Derek needs to hook up with “girl” Shalom!

  • Gil, this blog also has a built-in defense against using “sock puppets” (multiple aliases to pretend to be more than one person). See how several my comments say they are “from [BgBqsY]”? The “BgBqsY” is a hash based on my IP address.

    It’s not a perfect system, obviously, you have a different code on several of your comments — I imagine you used different computers, or don’t have a permanent connection to the Internet? But if I had posted two different comments from the same Internet connection, the code would be the same.

  • Hamptons

    Derek have you ever dated a person of African descent? Just curious since you are open-minded. You probably wouldn’t mind, but ideally you would want a model type instead of the junk on your trunk sisters right? I happen to know one really cute single, passionate and AMBITIOUS friend who is interested in you.

  • Ooh, go for it!

    D, I suggest you respond to Hamptons about that off the web so your private life stays a little private.

    By the way, I don’t know what shabbat shalom means either, exactly.

  • Hamptons

    Girl, actually my friend has a beautiful african name and she has a Goddess build, not a stick thin model. Let’s just say she is very voluptuous and can cook too! (Food is the only way to a man’s heart!)

    She is a person of great heart and is a STEAL!

    If you are interested, I’ll be your perfect matchmaker. I can tell Derek has some jungle fever where ebony meets ivory!

  • “(Food is the only way to a man’s heart!)”

    I wish!!

    First you have to get them to like you enough to come to your house to eat. (And they’re really going to think you’re just aggressively offering sex anyway.)

    But I bet your friend is a good cook.

  • “Derek, you have to jump to the moral high ground because you hate to agree with me and the comments I make about Jewish Culture.”

    Derek has agreed with you before. His douche comment, and my comments, were based on your cruel about how you treat women, which are AGAINST THE JEWISH RELIGION AND CULTURE – at least admit that.

    If Judiasm matters to you, why not stick to its tenets and be a good person and stop using women. Or is it too hard to stick to the more important parts of your religion?

    It is hypocritical to say you will only marry a Jew, when you really aren’t one yourself.

    I’m sure any rabbi around would rather have you treating women well than claiming to be a Jew just because your parents were. Didn’t your parents treat you any respect? Do you use the word pussy at Schul?

    Again, NOTHING IN JEWISH CULTURE teaches you to treat people like dirt, especially women, and certainly not to refer to them in the crude terms you used. I don’t want you in my religion, sorry.

  • Just to clarify – the above comment was meant for the commenter named Gil.

  • “Food is the only way to a man’s heart” … thank God that hasn’t been my experience. Girl has it right. I’m much better at going out or ordering in. If I offered a man to come over so that I could cook for him, it would be a blatant offer of sex. Although, I am taking a cooking class, so maybe all that will change.

  • […] Y’know, when I wrote that “Jewish chicks” post, I was seven months out of a long-term relationship with S. I had recently been in a six-week relationship with M. (also Jewish). There were also two or three Jewish girls I counted as “prospects,” girls I kind-of liked. […]

  • Gil

    you’re obsessed with Jewish girls and its pathetic.

    fuck christmas stick it up ur ass.