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midnight run

So went to a small party last night and then rang in the New Year with the Midnight Run in Central Park. I had planned on meeting up with Benjamin at the baggage check area, but we were both with groups of people and never managed to connect. I went out hard and finished in about 27:14 (it’s a four-mile fun run, not officially timed). About half a mile from the finish I passed Chelle, who was dressed as a hot pop tartlet, or something. I think all the Champagne sloshing around in her tummy was the only way I beat her, it’s been ages since I’ve done that. I did get beat right at the finish line by two Los Compadres runners, though dammit. I always seem to compete against some of those runners.

huge movie postersI didn’t take any photos of the evening, alas, so here is one from my walk to work this mornning. (Yeah, I’m at work, like I am every Sunday. Fridays off). Huge movie posters on a nearby building, close-ups of Kate Beckinsale and Zhang Ziyi.

Happy 2006, everyone!

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