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double loop

Did 12 miles in the park today (1:50). Def. was dragging after the first loop. I need to do more long distance stuff.

I forgot to mention, Thursday I attended a press launch party for the Eco Primal Quest, the world’s biggest adventure race. It is 500 miles of running, paddling and biking over 5-10 days beginning June 25… basically like the Eco-Challenge. (Eco-Challenge creator Mark Burnett, busy with Survivor, says the 2002 race is the last).

I got to speak with some of the competitors, including Tim Reif of Team Nemo and Robyn Cantor of Dynamic Health Racing, which was very cool. Tim’s a former professional runner (14 minute 5K), while, at 44, Robyn is about a decade younger than most of her teammates. Yowza.

Monday I will be participating in West Virginia University’s “Festival of Ideas” media panel on media ethics and the Sago mine disaster. Also taking part will be USA Today’s Mark Memmott of USA Today, CNN’s Randi Kaye, CBS’ Sharyn Alfonsi and Mike Solmsen, and Scott Finn of the Charleston Gazette. Kelly McBride of the Poynter Institute will moderate. The panel will be taped for C-SPAN, although I’m not sure when it will air. Thanks to Jay Rosen of PressThink for suggesting me.

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