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story on holocaust survivors

Under my employers blogging new policy, I guess I can’t say who wrote this story in Sunday’s paper…

It’s been seven decades since the German concentration camp, the three-week forced march through the ice and snow, the daily deaths, the terror.

Sally Sachs can never forget – and neither can her body.

“Today I feel it. My back is broken,” said Sachs. “I don’t know what a body can take – I can’t believe that a body can take what my body took.”

Now 82, Sachs suffers from arthritis. All her siblings – three brothers and eight sisters – died in the camps.

An estimated 50,000 Holocaust survivors live in New York City. Many lost their entire families. Most live below poverty level, and their median age is approaching 80.

4 comments to story on holocaust survivors

  • It’s strange to me that it’s foreign to some people. All 4 of my grandparents were survivors, so this is something I grew up with. As the last of that generation dies out, it’s sad to know that the holocaust will become some other hard to really believe part of jewish history, like the spanish inquisition, for example. we know it happened, but it’s hard to really fully understand what it meant.

  • It’s a shame we’ll never know who wrote that article. I’m actually surprised that there are still that many lving in our area alone.

  • ariana

    Nice job Derek. Very interesting. Did this get good play?

  • JMoney, the definition of Holocaust survivor is somewhat broad, it is any Jewish person who was living in Nazi Germany or a Nazi-occupied country. Also Jews who fled from those places to escape persecution.

    You can click the link to see who wrote the story.

    Ariana, this led the Queens section on Sunday.

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