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pepper & otter

pepper & potter$#%$#@ this political @$% … what I care about is great storytelling. I loved this story by the Times’ Michael Wilson:

The tip of a crowbar jammed behind the big letter P, and all of a sudden, the place was just “Pepper & OTTER.” That never could have worked. Who is going to buy a new car from Pepper and Otter?

The name was the one thing that Frank Pepper and Lester Potter seemed to always agree on, as far back as 1946, when they opened the Nash dealership on the Flatbush Avenue Extension in Downtown Brooklyn. The name was a beauty, and they knew it, years before some advertising whiz came up with a slogan: “Picky People Pick Pepper & Potter.”

The name never changed, but the men with the names changed a lot, and so did their relationship. The sign out front tried to have it both ways.

You have to read it to the last paragraph, that’s what makes the story.

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