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yet more on pitts

Okay, I really didn’t figure I’d have anything more to say about Edward Lee Pitts. But the controversy continues to rage on Romensko’s letters page, and I have gotten sucked back into it.

Here’s a letter I sent responding to Charles Pierce:

I certainly don’t have a problem with any reporter disrupting a staged event, […]

Pitts’ story

Via Romenesko, I found a free link to Pitts’ story.

‘Hillbilly armor’ protects 278thBy Edward Lee PittsMilitary Affairs

CAMP BUEHRING, Kuwait — Members of the 278th Regimental Combat Team on Wednesday brought their concerns about a lack of armor for vehicles soon heading into Iraq directly to U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. The […]

Boxer & the blogger

Right-wing bloggers are abuzz in self-righteous indignation over this NYT article by Sarah Boxer on the IraqtheModel site, in part because she begins her article thus:

When I telephoned a man named Ali Fadhil in Baghdad last week, I wondered who might answer. A C.I.A. operative? An American posing as an Iraqi? Someone paid by […]

journalist blogs

Adam Penenberg takes up a subject close to my heart, reporter blogs in the latest Wired:

For all the press that bloggers have received for revolutionizing journalism by bringing Gutenberg’s printing press to the digital masses, when push comes to shove, journalists who operate personal weblogs face an inherent conflict of interest. In the […]

Make Time for Time

Time magazine is reporting that Spc. Thomas “Jerry” Wilson came up with his question for Secretary Rumsfeld on his own — and that Chattanooga Times Free Press reporter Edward Lee Pitts had had urged Wilson to come up with “intelligent questions.” After Wilson showed his question to Pitts, the reporter simply “suggested a less […]

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