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My friend (and sometimes blog-commenter) Matt just got back from a trip to Kilimanjaro. He organized an expedition group using Craigslist! Three guys and three girls. Four of them made it to the summit. Here are a few of his cool pictures from what sounds like an amazing trip:


apartment search update

So I guess I am the “backup” to the apartment I liked. Another guy — a co-worker of the listing agent — has the first application. Hmpf. I don’t know what that means, in terms of my chances of getting it.

Anyway, I decided to apply for another apartment I looked at today, right nearby, […]

mardi gras marathon

Before the race I heard some runners talking about this — the Mardi Gras Marathon, to be held Feb. 5, 2006 in New Orleans.

This year’s event scheduled for Sunday, February 5, 2006 will be the first major sporting event back in New Orleans since Hurricane Katrina brought the Crescent City to its knees […]

soooo exhausted

So did a 1:38:38 at Grete’s Great Gallup half-marathon this morning (7:31 pace). That is not quite as good as the 1:36:57 I did at the Queen’s Half-Marathon back in May, but then I didn’t run an easy six miles beforehand, as I did today. Running a Central Park loop prior to the race definitely […]

union city

My building is in today’s NYT.