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so far today…

A little over nine miles in the park this A.M. 49:24 for the first six-mile loop (8:11 pace), then 14:51 and 15:51 for two 1.7153-loops (8:39 and 9:09).

Overall a 9.46-mile run at a 8:22 pace and a 174-avg. HR … a good hard run, for me, but wow I’m going to have to get faster to qualify for Boston.

This afternoon covered a forum on the Mideast sponsored by The Week magazine at Michael Jordan’s Steakhouse. Henry Kissinger was speaking, but the neat part was seeing Tony Danza and Christopher Walken! I guess the Week holds these forums months, and they usually get a big celebrity turnout. Huh.

UPDATE 4/15: Here’s Jesse Oxfeld’s take on the lunch. And here’s my story.

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