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time 100 party

So I was at the 2005 Time 100 party at the Time Warner Center tonight. I was there to do a short story on former Time coverboy Marine Cpl. Patrick Gravenese, whom Time had invited to the red-carpet bash. [update: my story]

I wish I had some good stories about how I had buttonholed Craig Newmark or the Google guys, but alas, I did not. (Gravenese wasn’t shy about asI king Martha Stewart, Melissa Ethridge and Barbara Walters to pose for pictures with him, though — good for him!)

Still, I’m determined to get a good blog-post out of the evening. I was only one of a handful of press allowed inside the Rose Hall jazz center, which is a pretty amazing venue. So I present you, my loyal blog-readers, with a list of the hottest chicks most attractive women at the Time gala:
Aishwarya Rai

  1. Aishwarya Rai. I had never heard of this Bollywood star and former Miss World. But she’s jaw-droppingly stunning.
  2. Tammy Lynn Michaels, Melissa Ethridge’s girlfriend. A cute little blonde number. I gotta say, at first I thought Michaels was Ethridge’s daughter or something. Then I saw her grab Ethridge’s butt. (She’s 30; Ethridge is 44).
  3. Melania Knauss, Donald Trump’s wife. Okay, some people would argue with me on this one, putting her behind Michaels. She’s obviously very beautiful. But not really my type.
  4. Ziyi Zhang, the star of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Hero and House of Flying Daggers. Very very fetching.
  5. Paula Zahn. She looks very good on TV. She looks even better in person. Really, she’s a tall, attractive blonde.

Martha Stewart looked really good, too, considering she’s 63.

Nicole Kidman arrived just as I was leaving, so I’m not including her on my list. (I did get to see her, but very briefly — I suspect she’d rank No. 2)

After the cocktails I skipped up to the running store in the Warner Center mall reputed to contain lots of adorable salesboys and bought a pair of Nike Free 5.0s. Supposedly, they mimic running barefoot to increase my foot strength and speed. We’ll see.

7 comments to time 100 party

  • nancy

    Ah, I’m not big deal, all you gotta do is email me.


  • nancy

    Is the “stunning” link pointing where you wanted it to point?


  • awg! Yahoo must have changed it. Fixed…

  • nancy

    I’ll confess to knowing who Aishwarya Rai is, I do catch an Indian movie every now and then. She can’t act to save her life, none of them can. I realize that celebrities show up at random events, but that was still bizarre.

    About the Frees, get a pair of flats! The Free is a good start, but the heel is fairly high and the shoe is surprisingly heavy. Then again, if you’ve been training in regular trainers, especially stability shoes, it’s not a bad place to start.

  • not actually as bizarre as all that – Rai was actually on Time’s list of the 100 most influential people in the world! (I know, it’s a strange list – how do you measure something like that? But hey, it exposed me to some people I hadn’t heard of before)

    I’ve just been using regular running shoes – lately the Nike Pegasus. I was actually thought of you when I ran in the Free on Wednesday — I wasn’t exactly following your ascetic, low-cost approach to training. But it did seem to be a nice shoe.

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