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I set out to run fast this morning … and ended up doing sluggish 8:34s for the six-mile Central Park loop. Average heart-rate was a pitiful 147. That is just weak.

I ran that loop on my own in training runs a few weeks at 7:30s or so, with an average heart-rate of 170ish. It seems like I’m getting slower.

I don’t want to make excuses, but there’s gotta be a reason for this. I think I might be overtraining. I did do nearly 20 miles Friday, a 5K on Sunday and a hard 2 1/2 miles on Tuesday. (Saturday, Monday and Wednesday were easy days, though). I haven’t had a day off since April 18, and I actually did a little lifting at the gym that day.

The temptation is to try and train harder and harder and harder, but I think I will give my body a rest tomorrow, in anticipation of the big race Saturday.

5 comments to overtraining?

  • nancy

    Obviously “taper” is not a legible word in your dictionary. If I could stay awake all day I’d do it so I could live life to its fullest but sleep is vitally important and it makes living all the richer.

  • nancy

    well, I’m not training to run a faster half-marathon .. the half-marathon is a step in my training to (hopefully) run a faster marathon.

  • nancy

    maybe you’re just getting older …. and slower. accept god’s plan for you body. slow breakdown. suffering. then death.

  • nancy

    Try not to lose focus as to what you’re trying to do. Considering your goal is to run something like 7:20 pace for a marathon, you’d want to try and make that as easy as possible for yourself. Cut back a bit on the races, even if they are low-key, take days off when you need them, and take the bad days in stride.


  • […] in 44:24 this morning (7:24 pace; 168 avg HR). This is the same loop I did last week in a sluggish 51:24. No doubt in my mind now that I was overtraining. Beast gave me some good advice, that basically i […]

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