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trying to be a better person

I have been turning over a new leaf the last couple weeks:

  • Out with the stupid baseball cap. Instead, I’ve been wearing ties to work.
  • Away with the comfy black laceless Merrell shoes. I’ve been wearing dress shoes. (That reminds me, I should get ’em polished)
  • Cleaned out the car last week and got it vacuumed today. It had been a bit of a disaster, just in terms of messiness. (I think that’s kind of a print reporter thing.) But now it’s clean and I intend to keep it that way. Still kinda a crap car — a ’96 Neon — but hey, I’m trying to save money.

Currently working on my biggest project, cleaning my apartment, which is a stypretty messy. I need to be ruthless about what I save. I have been throwing out much of my comic book collection. A lot of it dates to the mid-80s, when I was around 13 and coping with my parents’ divorce. (If only I had properly bagged the comics, they might be worth something now!) But now I’m 33.

I also need to get rid of some clothes. I have like two draws full of T-shirts from races, and am considering paying to have someone make them into a quilt. Can’t quite bear the thought of just tossing them, although maybe I should.

Lastly, I’m thinking about moving back to Manhattan. Living in Jersey has worked out pretty well — I’ve saved a buncha money and and have a 10-15 minute commute to work. But no matter how close I am, it’s still a little isolating, not living in ‘da city. Had never really intended to be here full-time — I moved out here when I was spending 3-4 nights a week at S.’s place (but that, for those of you just joining us, is no more).

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