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Yankee stadium press box

Yankee stadium press box

Originally uploaded by derek7272.

At the game…

UPDATE: Great assignment, I’d never watched a game from the press box before. Story here. I guess they thought the quote I got from the guy who said the Yankees were going to go to Anaheim and “spank the monkey” was too risque. I didn’t have much to do until the game ended, so I moved down to the second row and watched as some of the sportswriters below me wrote their stories during the game. There were reports of “interlocking NY toe tags” and how Steinbrenner should demand his money back from his star players … all had to be quickly revised after the seventh inning. I’ve never wanted to be a sportswriter, but it’s such an interesting profession …

2 comments to Yankee stadium press box

  • Jon

    Let’s go Yankees.
    I was at the game as well. Pretty good one. Nice seats you had there.

  • New to Portland, Maine. If not a Sox fan I can tell I will be ran out of town on a rail! But if the Sox are gone, I am for the Yankees because they were the team I grew up with during the Mantle era. Please visit my site, Running4Ever.com. Would love to get your comments on my running life. Let me know you visited on the running forum. Keep on running and writing. …John

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