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u2 at msg

Well, I was gonna try and conserve some money after paying that big broker’s fee … but U2 in concert was too good to pass up. And boy, were they good. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been to a better concert, not that I go to a lot. I’m going to justify the price by saying I’m paying for it by using the overtime I used covering Sunday’s Yankees game. Yes, I can’t really complain about my life right now.

And jeez, what do you know — the Yankees lost. I knew it was getting close to the end of the game because myself and everyone sitting around me were checking on it with their cell phone web browsers … so during the third encore I took a walk to one of the TVs in Madison Square Garden. Did not even see Matsui hit the ball for the third out in the ninth, just saw Darin Erstad make the play and flip the ball to K-Rod, then jubilation all around. Sweet. A-Rod — who hit 2 for 15 (.133) in the series and made a crtitical error in game 2 — apparently even told Suzy Waldman he played “like a dog” in the series. Do you think those words are going to come back to haunt him, like Pedro’s did? I see T-shirt possibilities already.

u2 at msg

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