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marathon ‘liveblogging’

So for the marathon I tried to “liveblog” the race – have my blog automatically update as I crossed four portions of the race. I thought it didn’t work, but it did — sort of. The posts showed up, they were just dated December, 1969. Weird. Anyone have any ideas why that should happen?

5 comments to marathon ‘liveblogging’

  • weird. weird.

    did i mention weird?

  • Jon

    Strange and depressing. After going at 8 minute mile pace for 20 miles, you dropped down to almost 12 minute mile pace for the last 6 miles or so. Talk about hitting a wall. Don’t go out so fast and you might be able to keep it up. Better luck next time.

  • it worked for me. (except that i never got the 10k one, and i got like 5 copies of the finish one.)

    see what happens when you yourself send an email post.

  • I tried an email post, it showed up normal (and then I deleted it).

  • December 1969 sounds like a timeserver thing. I recall that is the time my mac used to default to when not connected to an internet sync.

    So, I’m thinking your device maybe was not synched in the manner it needed to be to work properly so, while I don’t have a solution, I THINK that’s where you might begin looking.


    Good luck!

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