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more running geek stuff

I did this running gait analysis at the Asics booth at the marathon expo. (The idea is, they record you running on a treadmill, to see if your feet pronate — roll inward or outward. It helps you figure out what kind of shoes to buy). They gave me a CD with a video of myself running, and I figured, why not put it up here? If you do a frame-by-frame analysis you can tell I’m a mild overpronator.

9 comments to more running geek stuff

  • my sports doc did the same thing with me-he videotaped me running (on the sidewalk though, not on a treadmill) and did the frame-by-frame thing…pretty cool, and very telling (i overpronate and should not have been wearing neutral shoes.)

    there’s a running store in brooklyn that does that gait analysis too…i’ve never gone but i know a coupla Flyers have…

  • Niketown I believe offers it as well … and I think the new Adidas shop on Houston Street. The Running Co. shop in the Time Warner building had a “gait analysis night” with the NYRR the other day, but it was pouring out and I didn’t go.

  • But you’ve got great calves. 😉

  • I really wanted to do that. Unfortunately, I didn’t find that little area (way in the back!) until it was too booked up. 🙁

    I think I’m nostly neutral, and if anything underpronate. But for whatever reason I seek official confirmation of that.

    Speaking of which, I went with a friend of mine new to running to Super Runners Shop. There’s one particular salesman there I don’t like. Anyway my friend got there before me and this guy had him trying on the Kayanos. I took a look at his feet and his gait. High arches (like me) and NO pronation at all. When I mentioned this to the salesman, he said “I beg to differ, he’s an overpronater”. Long story short, we got another salesman who checked him out and agreed that he runs neutral.

    So what’s the point of that long and boring story? My point is that I think many of the people who work in these stores just tell everyone that they overpronate. And then try to sell them expensive shoes. (And that’s why I would love to do the video thing some time!)

    Ranting over…

  • w/r to Super Runners Shop-I will only go to the one on 72nd/3rd and if the manager (Mike) is in-I always request he be the one to help me-he knows his stuff. (That is if I need to try out a new shoe model.)

    which location did you go to?

  • Benjamin – ha, thanks! Great show BTW.
    Danny – I am skeptical that even trained people can tell very much about how you run by the naked eye. Salespeople have also incorrectly told me I’m a neutral runner. You really need to see it on video.

  • Very cool! I have very high arches and my feet actually roll outward (my sneaks and shoes all wear on the outer heel). So it’s almost impossible for me to find good shoes for me…I have to find ones with a wide & stable heel base. Sales clerks are always stumped. I luckily stumbled upon the Adidases I have now that seem to be working.

  • nyflygirl – I went to the west side location.

    derek – even with the video it’s hard to tell. i’ve just been tring to look at it frame by frame. i actually think you do look pretty neutral.

  • The video is sweet. I want to do it just for the video to see what my calves look like while running 😉

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