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Original Newsweek Periscope item

I couldn’t find it on the Internet, so here’s the full text, from page 4 of Newsweek’s May 9 edition:

A Scandal Spreads
Investigators probing abuses at Guantanamo Bay have confirmed some infractions alleged in internal FBI e-mails that surfaced late last year. Among the previously unreported cases, sources tell NEWSWEEK: interrogators, in an attempt to rattle suspects, placed Qur’ans on toilets and, in at least one case, flushed a holy book down the toilet. An Army spokesman confirms that 10 interrogators have been disciplined for mistreating prisoners at Gitmo. These findings could put former Gitmo commander Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller in the hot seat. Two months ago, a more senior general, Air Force Lt. Gen. Randall Schmidt, was placed in charge of the probe in part so that Miller could be questioned. The FBI e-mails indicate that FBI agents quarreled repeatedly with military commanders, including Miller and his predecessor, retired Gen. Michael Dunleavy, over the military’s more aggressive techniques. “Both agreed the Bureau has their way of doing business and DOD has their marching orders from the SecDef,” one e-mail stated, referring to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Sources familiar with the probe say investigators didn’t find that Miller authorized abusive treatment. But given the complaints, sources say, investigators say he should have known what was happening–and acted to try to prevent it. An Army spokesman declined to comment.

–Michael Isikoff and John Barry

UPDATE: Actually, that was the version in the “Atlantic edition” of Newsweek. This is the U.S. version, very similar but a few subtle changes:

Investigators probing interrogation abuses at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay have confirmed some infractions alleged in internal FBI e-mails that surfaced late last year. Among the previously unreported cases, sources tell NEWSWEEK: interrogators, in an attempt to rattle suspects, flushed a Qur’an down a toilet and led a detainee around with a collar and dog leash. An Army spokesman confirms that 10 Gitmo interrogators have already been disciplined for mistreating prisoners, including one woman who took off her top, rubbed her finger through a detainee’s hair and sat on the detainee’s lap. (New details of sexual abuse–including an instance in which a female interrogator allegedly wiped her red-stained hand on a detainee’s face, telling him it was her menstrual blood–are also in a new book to be published this week by a former Gitmo translator.)

These findings, expected in an upcoming report by the U.S. Southern Command in Miami, could put former Gitmo commander Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller in the hot seat. Two months ago a more senior general, Air Force Lt. Gen. Randall Schmidt, was placed in charge of the SouthCom probe, in part, so Miller could be questioned. The FBI e-mails indicate that FBI agents quarreled repeatedly with military commanders, including Miller and his predecessor, retired Gen. Michael Dunleavy, over the military’s more aggressive techniques. “Both agreed the bureau has their way of doing business and DOD has their marching orders from the SecDef,” one e-mail stated, referring to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Sources familiar with the SouthCom probe say investigators didn’t find that Miller authorized abusive treatment. But given the complaints that were being raised, sources say, the report will provoke questions about whether Miller should have known what was happening–and acted to try to prevent it. An Army spokesman declined to comment.

4 comments to Original Newsweek Periscope item

  • More on Newsweek’s….

    ….”standards”. Derek Rose has published a transcript of the Newsweek Pericope item. Here it is in its entirety.GUANTANAMO
    A Scandal Spreads
    Investigators probing a…

  • nancy

    Just so we’re all clear on the point– has the White House firmly declared that the alleged Koran flushing did *not* happen. Has Scott McClellan actually said, ‘No Korans were flushed down the toilet,’ or is the administration just saying it doesn’t know if the flushing happened?

  • From Reuters:

    Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman was asked whether the Pentagon could say definitively that U.S. personnel never threw a Koran in a toilet at Guantanamo.

    “You know, I never get into the business of saying never,” Whitman said. “What I’m saying is that this allegation that Newsweek made … about Koran desecration is demonstrably false. And there have thus far been no credible allegations of willful Koran desecration.”

    And from a WP story last week (after Newsweek reported the story, but before they retracted it):

    Gen. Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, said Thursday that while an investigation found one case in which a detainee clogged a toilet with pages ripped from the Koran, as well as times when detainees were irritated when guards touched Korans, no cases of Americans putting a Koran in a toilet had been found so far.

  • nancy

    Interrogators are taught cultural awareness and how it will and can apply to an interrogation. Religious disrespect should not be practiced in an interrogation because it will shut the source/detainee down. Hatred toward us from our enemy already exists, it is not in an interrogator’s best interest to confirm a detainee’s hatred by desecrating the Quran or any other religious item he might possess, especially if the detainee is devout or even fanatical.

    Flushing the Quran down the toilet will confirm to our enemy that we are monsters and he will do all he can to resist the interrogation. A skilled interrogator does not have to flush a Quran down the toilet to gain intelligence. This is why I doubted the Newsweek story when it first came out.


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