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staten island half

So I’m all moved in … well mostly … there are still some odds and ends I need to pick up in New Jersey, and I’ve barely started unpacking. But the hard part is over. Yay!0

Did the Staten Island half this morning … 1:36:27, a 7:21 pace. Good for 316 out of 3319 runners […]

movers coming

I would not say I’m hung over. I would say I’m still drunk from last night … or rather, earlier this morning.

Movers scheduled to arrive in an hour.

exploring the hood

so I’m scheduled to have movers come and move me on Saturday. Umm, no I haven’t done all that much packing. But I’m off tomorrow (Friday), so I’ll do it then hopefully. Actually I plan to just have the movers move my furniture and books and electronics … I’m told I’m too much of a […]

Joel Hinrichs and the blogs

From the WSJ:

WHEN A JUNIOR at the University of Oklahoma blew himself up 100 yards away from a packed football stadium on Oct. 1, the 85,000 fans inside remained calm despite the loud explosion.

But the calm has given way to anxiety, as the college town of Norman, Okla., has struggled to separate fact […]

the 10,000 katrina dead

Overall I think a lot of the media criticism in the wake of Hurricane Katrina has been a little overwraught. Yes certain news organizations erred by reporting unverified rumors and speculation. Most of the U.S. press did not, however.

Certain members of the blogosphere seem keen to spread their own misinformation. For example, John Hinderaker […]

The Rundown: Chicago Marathon edition

So welcome to the Rundown, a special Chicago Marathon edition … a roundup of selected blog-posts on last weekend’s race.

Married mom Through Th3 Wall was spurred on by friends:

My friends appeared from the air at mile 25.2 …“Over the hill! You’re almost there! Over this bridge, just cross this bridge and you’re there!!! […]

u2 at msg

Well, I was gonna try and conserve some money after paying that big broker’s fee … but U2 in concert was too good to pass up. And boy, were they good. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been to a better concert, not that I go to a lot. I’m going to justify the […]

Yankee stadium press box

Yankee stadium press box Originally uploaded by derek7272.

At the game…

UPDATE: Great assignment, I’d never watched a game from the press box before. Story here. I guess they thought the quote I got from the guy who said the Yankees were going to go to Anaheim and “spank the monkey” was too […]

at the game

10-09-05_2103.jpg Originally uploaded by derek7272.

Yankee stadium press box…


I’m heading to Yankee Stadium to cover fan reaction to whatever happens in the game. I could make a joke here, but actually I will check my allegiances at the door – or stadium gate, as the case may be. Maybe I will do a little photoblogging though.

vanessa carlton

Singer/songwriter Vanessa Carlton competing in Grete’s Half Marathon last weekend: (Maybe she just has one running outfit — this is exactly what she wore at the Circle of Friends 10K…)

four weeks to go

So I really can’t pat myself on the back toooo much — there were a ton of other people who also braved the rain yesterday and ran the Long Run #2. Twenty miles around Central Park Saturday morning. But were they all sleepy and hungover from drowning their sorrows in beer the night before following […]

Lets go angels …

Lets go angels … Originally uploaded by derek7272.


a new place

heading to the broker’s office with cashier’s checks Originally uploaded by derek7272.

Getting w50th street apt

best enterprise

Jeff Jarvis also has a good point about Jay Rosen’s NYT vs. WP critique: Jay never says what he thinks makes a paper great. And he doesn’t really explain what he thinks is so stupendous about the Post — except that they have an innovative website. Umm, as a writer to that I’d say: big […]

blogworld conference

So I guess just about all the big names in the blogworld are in my building today, attending this “We Media” conference. The conference’s official blog is here.

the hunt continues

So it turns out my backup apartment is more than $200/mo. than the broker had originally told me … there was apparently some mixup by the listing agent. I’m no longer interested, as even at the lower price I thought it was inferior to the West 46th St. pad. The broker actually sent me a […]

nyt vs. wp

Jay Rosen says the Washington Post has eclipsed the Times as “our great national newspaper.” I don’t see it. Sure, you can fault the Times for this issue and that. Jay devotes 22 of the paragraphs in his post to the whole Judy Miller affair. That strikes me as a narrow perspective from which to […]


The latest Rundown is up and running.

vanessa carlton

So via Gawker, I learned yesterday that singer/songwriter Vanessa Carlton is training for the NYC Marathon. In fact she ran Grete’s half-marathon on Sunday in a very respectable 1:46 (8:03 pace). (If you don’t know who Vanessa Carlton is, you’ve still probably heard her big hit “A Thousand Miles” — listen here, or check out […]