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is this why so many people in nyc are single?

I saw this USAToday opinion piece on Valentine’s Day, and meant to blog about it at the time, but didn’t get around to it. But it’s still interesting, I think, even if the author’s attempt to compare dating and iPods was a little forced:

It’s no secret that, when it comes to love, today’s twentysomethings […]

more on date-paying

It’s the topic that keeps on giving … Rachel‘s “who-pays” column, which quoted me, has inspired all this debate on feminist blogs. The topic is maybe played out a little, but the comments at Amanda Marcotte’s Pandagon are pretty interesting (55 and counting):

Most guys I’ve gone out with will give the initial offer to […]

‘motivated by fear’

This post by the IJC has prompted some interesting discussion on looks and dating.

The comment I liked best:

Even in New York, most men and women, hot or not, have little chance of dating someone whose financial, educational or social circumstances are very different from their own. Which is why slender, hot editorial assistants […]

the derek rose blog in the village voice

In this column by my friend Rachel Kramer Bussel:

But how do guys feel? My curiosity was sparked by blogger Derek Rose (derekrose.com), who’s looking for more of a “partner than a princess.” He’s fine with paying for the first date, and even the second, but “if a girl hasn’t offered to pay for anything […]


So I had always thought that it was I who broke up with S. last June, but she told me yesterday she considered the break-up “mutual and amicable” … that she knew how I’d react when she brought up the “m-word.” Huh. Kinda makes me feel less guilty about the whole thing.

I learned this […]

and speaking of bachelors…

So I kind of always thought our little sister Meredith would be the first of the Rose siblings to settle down … but on Valentine’s Day my brother Evan beat her to the punch and proposed to his girlfriend Jenny, who is quite cool. (He then jumped on a plane to New Zealand, so we […]

mica bar

I am just back from the Mica Bar, where my best nyc friend Jon had his going-away party for his corporate law firm gig. (He’s switching firms). I had an interesting discussion with his ex-secretary, who at first I mistook for a partner — she’s very smart, but never developed her own career. Now she […]


Who says necklackes are just for girls? I have been wearing this, sometimes.

(When you can’t think of anything interesting to say, post a photo…)

I did really enjoy this Editor & Publisher story on pre-written obits. The AP has about 1,000 of them on file. The story has this gem of an anecdote:


‘revenge has a killer body’


friday is my saturday

So I have the day off today, as I do almost every Friday. I’m taking Sunday off, too, since I worked through last weekend and didn’t get any three-day weekends in December. And my canceled Freshdirect order is going to come this evening. Hurray!

Wednesday I went running using an old pair of running shoes […]

‘where the boys aren’t’

Here’s an interesting article from the Weekly Standard on the growing gender imbalance at U.S. colleges and universities:

Here’s a thought that’s unlikely to occur to twelfth–grade girls as their college acceptances begin to trickle in: After they get to campus in the fall, one in four of them will be mathematically unable to find […]

christmas dinner

So I saw S. tonight, for the first time since I picked up my stuff back in June. (We talk regularly, just haven’t seen each other in person, even though she lives and works pretty close to me). We watched “The Interpreter,” ate Chinese and exchanged a few presents. It was good to see her, […]

jewish chicks

When I saw my old friend Matt the other day, one of the things that came up was the Jewish chicas. Both of us went to the same small high school in the same tiny Massachusetts city where we knew, like, zero Jewish people. (My favourite English teacher was Jewish, but none of our classmates).


who pays on dates

This post of Sarah’s got me thinking:

All I know is that I hear my male friends complain about asking women out and then being expected (I guess by the woman) to buy an expensive meal and or drinks. I won’t debate the who should pay issue because I’ve always thought that a man should […]

todd in ny mag

My friend Todd Seavey was featured in a story in NY Magazine:

Editor Todd Seavey, 36, is vehemently opposed to having children. He feels so strongly about it that he had a vasectomy at 26. “If I bring it up on the first date, it can be off-putting. If I bring it up a few […]

‘your guide to being shady like a rapper’

Not that I would do anything like this…

passionate love fizzles after a year?

From Reuters:

ROME – Your heartbeat accelerates, you have butterflies in the stomach, you feel euphoric and a bit silly. It’s all part of falling passionately in love—and scientists now tell us the feeling won’t last more than a year.

a defense of gamesmanship and stuff like that

This post of Bex’s got me thinking … a lot of girls I know say they hate it when guys “play games” and abide by things like the three-day rule. But girls should acknowledge they play plenty of games too: waiting to return calls, waiting to have sex, not accepting weekend dates past Tuesday even […]


Great line in this NYT story about bedbugs:

Still, for Ms. [Kellianne] Scanlan [, a 30-year-old Washington Heights hairstylist], there has been a silver lining. The night after she discovered the bugs, she went out drinking, intent on avoiding her own bed. That evening she met a man at a bar, and, contrary to her […]


My friend Matt is trying to persuade me to post dating stories on this blog. He is off the market and lives in Boston — I think gets a kick out of hearing my stories of humiliation and (occasional) success with the wild nyc chicks. Also, he notes that there’s a ton of women blogging […]