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mica bar

I am just back from the Mica Bar, where my best nyc friend Jon had his going-away party for his corporate law firm gig. (He’s switching firms). I had an interesting discussion with his ex-secretary, who at first I mistook for a partner — she’s very smart, but never developed her own career. Now she […]

everyone’s an effin’ blogger

I went to this small little blogger meetup party Monday night, an anniversary party for the WhatISee photoblog. It was at Vintage, just around the corner from me. (There are some photos here, including one of my arm).

Anyway, the funny thing wasn’t that there were other bloggers at this meetup — it was that […]

‘revenge has a killer body’


frostbite 10miler

For some reason the NYRR website is down. But I was just under about 1:13 for the Frostbite 10miler, or roughly a 7:15 pace. I don’t want to say I’m satisfied, because that’s still about three minutes over my PR. But I ran 7:32s at the Hot Chocolate 15K, so can’t be too unhappy about […]

friday is my saturday

So I have the day off today, as I do almost every Friday. I’m taking Sunday off, too, since I worked through last weekend and didn’t get any three-day weekends in December. And my canceled Freshdirect order is going to come this evening. Hurray!

Wednesday I went running using an old pair of running shoes […]

kerry burke talks a lot of s–t

Okay, so the little reporters’ drink-fest I was at the other day has now made the NYT. (thanks to commenter Tom for pointing this out). Like I said before, I don’t really think the idea of reporters getting together for drinks is exactly news. But it’s a nice little story:

At the crime scene, reporters […]


So I’ve lived on W. 50th between Tenth and Eleventh for, like, over two months now, and somehow had never ventured into Ruby et Violette across Tenth Ave. from me until today. A friend sent me this link noting the place is changing owners. I went ventured in today for, uh, my own blog research. […]

pedicab story

So on Wednesday, in the midst of the transit strike, my editor had the idea I would rent a pedicab and ride around the city looking for fares for a story. Only, the story was held for a day … and then yesterday the strike was resolved. So the story was “overtaken by events,” as […]

looks like strike is over

It’ll probably be official in a few hours. Not a moment too soon, really. I was realizing yesterday how the strike was really hurting peeps on the lower economic rungs and sorta regretted my joke-y post earlier. It was like, this was for a little bit, now I’m ready for it to be over.

P.S. […]

strike pitches

My email is clogged with various pitches from publicists on the strike. So far I’ve gotten offers of

a medical expert to discuss how the hospitals are coping with operating on skeleton crews an Internet discount travel agency announcing “they are offering one lucky commuter an all-expense-paid luxury Caribbean getaway for two including a dedicated […]


Decidedly blurry-eyed today, as I was up ’til like 3 a.m. at the union hall waiting for the official word on the strike. Here is a picture I took of the press corps around 2:30 a.m.

You heard it here first

You heard it here first Originally uploaded by derek7272.

The strike is on

3:38 a.m. UPDATE: Totally scooped everyone … had it like five minutes before the MTA’s Tom Kelly even announced talks had broken down!

(Okay, so I also had it before the transit union’s executive board actually voted 28-10 to […]

Why I am secretly hoping for a transit strike

New Yorkers need to get even more exercise. Now that I’m a Manhattanite, I’m disdainful of the B&T crowd. Nevermind that I was among their ranks a few short weeks ago. I’d like to see the city in (nonviolent) chaos. It sells more papers, and, thus, helps secure my employment prospects. I’ll get to […]

jewish chicks

When I saw my old friend Matt the other day, one of the things that came up was the Jewish chicas. Both of us went to the same small high school in the same tiny Massachusetts city where we knew, like, zero Jewish people. (My favourite English teacher was Jewish, but none of our classmates).



With Daniel Trotta of Reuters, had a joint interview with Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff yesterday for this story. (For some reason he wasn’t doing press conferences, just little mini one-on-one interviews … or two-in-one in this case). We were in DHS’s 601 W. 26th St. offices — before the interview, in a speech to […]

anarchy santas

S. ran into these anarchist santas at the 51st and Lexington subway stop Saturday night. She writes, “They were drunk and rowdy and took up the entire station and all the cars on the train I was on. Some were making out- the woman in front of me was flashing everyone. It was surreal […]


Strawberry Fields in Central Park, across the street from the Dakota, where John Lennon was killed 25 years ago today.

bike attack

So my new pad is just 17 blocks from work, about a 15- to 20-minute walk. Great in the summer, but winter is on its way.

I’m basically walking south on Tenth Avenue, so there are no subways nearby.

I could take the bus on Ninth Ave., but Ninth gets gummed up with Lincoln […]

‘4-year scandal of the 9/11 billions’

We don’t do a whole lot of long investigative pieces … but when we do they can be really really good. (I had absolutely no role in in this). Here’s the first of a big investigation our I-team did on the $21.4 billion money trough:

The 9/11 tragedy brought out the best in most of […]

a drinking life

So apparently the Times has decided that reporters from different papers getting together for a few (or many) beers is news? Corey Kilgannon and a photographer were there tonight. Actually there was a pretty good turnout, with reporters from all the major papers along with the Staten Island Advance and NY1. I was among the […]