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running mix update

Okay, thanks for all the suggestions for the running mix. I have evaluated Dylan’s ideas and will listen to the others probably on Friday. I have tweaked the running list and created a permanent page for it here. (You can find a link for it under “pages” in the sidebar on the right).

Here are […]


So got up at 6 a.m. today and did a 20-mile run with Charles across the George Washington Bridge and into the Palisades Interstate Park. It took us three hours and two minutes, but we stopped for six minutes at the ranger station at the halfway point. So I’m going to say our pace was […]

the ultimate running mix

Okay boys and girls … I’ve done it. With help from Flygirl, Uptown Girl, the Mofo, Cris and Evan, I have created the Ultimate Running Music Mix. It ranges from Elvis Presley to the Electric Light Orchestra, Britney Spears to Fatboy Slim, Veruca Salt to the Prodigy. And I have to say, it rocks. It […]

more scotland run photos


Well, I should have run just a little bit faster, obviously, and broken 41 for today’s Scotland Run 10K. I’m feeling tired and my calves are sore. But it was a PR!

Mile 1: 6:32 Mile 2: 6:20 Mile 3: 6:27 Mile 4: 6:57 Mile 5: 6:39 Final 6.2: 8:11 (6:49 pace)

Overall: 41:01 net, […]

recovery runs

Are “recovery runs” worth it? Yesterday I did 18 hard miles, so this morning I did three really slow miles. I was basically just plodding, really. I can’t really believe it had much cardiovascular effect at all. I almost feel like it is a wasted effort.


“You like angry music,” Flygirl told me as I bounced suggestions off her Friday over IM for my huge running mix.

Actually, for running, I like furious music. And this is going to be a furious mix. It is four-fifths finished … it is so good I may even bring it for the Scotland Run […]

coast to coast success

So (as longtime blog-readers may remember) when in New Zealand last year my stepsister Irene competed in the Coast to Coast, a 151-mile race multisport race. The stages consist of a 1.8-mile sprint, a 34-mile cycle, 20-mile mountain run, a 9-mile cycle, 42-mile kayak and 43-mile bike ride.

Last year — on a very hot […]


I am making myself a ferocious running mix for my MP3 player. We are talking 512 MB of fast-paced running tunes. Thank you to everyone that contributed to my last post on running music, esp. Uptown Girl (for introducing me to ATB) and my brother Evan (The White Stripes). I will post the full mix […]

Rundown: Brooklyn half-marathon edition

Sometimes, it just comes naturally. You just zone out, become a machine, and just find your pace. The Brooklyn half-marathon was like that Saturday for Uptown Girl:

When I hit straightaways, if all is well, I can just hit that “cruise control.” It’s almost to the effect of feeling effortless. A much different feeling than […]

wither the Rundown?

So as y’all may have noticed, the Rundown has been in a bit of hibernation. Well, there’s not a lot to say about running over the winter, anyway. (For those of you new to this blog, the Rundown is this “runners’ carnival” blog-roundup I started about a year ago).

In all honestly, I got a […]

Brooklyn half-marathon

Originally uploaded by RTreadway.

How cool is this? Two people have already uploaded photos of the Brooklyn half-marathon on flickr. I saw these two runners cross the finish line somewhere around the two- hour mark.

I am generally happy with my 1:35:57 (7:19 pace). It is nowhere near my 1:31 PR, but that was […]

brooklyn half

I can feel excitement building for the Brooklyn Half-Marathon on Saturday. The race has always seemed to me to mark the start of the summer racing season, even though daylight savings doesn’t begin until April 2.

It looks like there will be two NYDN reporters racing as well, E.E. and S.S. In my five […]

Monday musings

Assorted thoughts:

Did 14 miles in the park on Saturday. Did the double-loop in 1:40, 10 minutes faster than my time from two weeks ago. Running the loop today, I saw some elderly Chinese guy walking his cat on a leash near Central Park North. The grey cat looked awfully regal. I had a story […]

snowflake pr and upset tummy

So imagine how well I would have done if I hadn’t been out drinking the night before? Well, it was still a 27-second PR, so I can’t complain. 25:57, a 6:29 pace. 258 out of 4707 runners; 225 of 2327 men. It was a good race and I felt strong the whole way out. Fended […]

race schedule

Lots of upcoming races. I have put together a schedule that tries to avoid racing consecutive weekends while getting in the club points races and the half-marathons. Here are the races I’ve signed up for:

NYRR Al Gordon Snowflake 4-Mile – Saturday NYRR Half-Marathon Grand Prix: Brooklyn – March 18 Scotland Run 10K – April […]

double loop

Did 12 miles in the park today (1:50). Def. was dragging after the first loop. I need to do more long distance stuff.

I forgot to mention, Thursday I attended a press launch party for the Eco Primal Quest, the world’s biggest adventure race. It is 500 miles of running, paddling and biking over […]

manhattan half-marathon

Here is the Rundown, on the Manhattan Half-Marathon the other day.

And here’s a few photos of your truly running it. (I did terrible, but my quad appears to be better).


‘Pakistani women defy threats, run mixed marathon’

The Christian Science Monitor and the BBC both have articles today about Lahore Marathon, which went ahead as scheduled this past weekend in Pakistan despite threats and efforts by Islamist groups to ban women from the race.

There were armed police on every corner, reports the Monitor, and 400 people were arrested at a […]

another photo

Here’s a better photo of me in the tuxedo … a Manhattan in one hand, our apple martini-lovin’ new member at large in the other.

And here’s one of me, H. and two other Flyers after the Manhattan half.
